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Elana Greene
Period 4
April 4, 2000

BRIDGES.COM is in the career transitions business.  During the average persons career they will face ten different career transitions. specialty is focuses on everyone's first transition.  Which is from high school to work. primary goal is to enable others to "take charge of their future" rather than leave life to chance. believes that individuals who are informed and are actively pursuing a specific career goal are more likely to become healthy, self reliant citizens.  They also believe that every career transition is an opportunity for an individual and an opportunity for main purpose is to create and distribute digital services that enable individuals to construct a desired future and connect to the world in meaningful ways. is recognized as the premier North American provider of career and educational services that enable others to establish and achieve meaningful future goals.  As a direct result of services, more people proactively achieve personal, professional, and/or financial goals.

Creative Piece 1

Good Changes
Bad Changes
Big Changes
Little Changes
So much Change
As time has gone by the faces change, and boy do the people change.
The stores change, even the owners change.
So many changes.
From what I remember everything was so HUGE.  Now things have seemed to shrunk in half,
or probably it's because I have grown.
Although sometimes I don't know what things have changed, I know that changes are HERE and
there are more to come.

Creative Piece 2

What's up Elana, how are you?  Where do you be hiding?  Why don’t you ever come outside?  Do you think your to good to hang out with us or does your mother have you on lock?   Its like she's playing hide in seek by herself.  She doesn’t ever come outside to chill with us and we only see her when she's either going somewhere or coming from somewhere.  I wonder if she has any friends at school or if she even talks to anyone on the phone.  Maybe she just the quiet type, or maybe she's hiding something, or maybe she just doesn't like us.
 When I first moved back into the co-ops that I live in I felt kind of uncomfortable because I hadn't seen or been around many of the people that I grew up with for some time.  Some of them I couldn’t remember while others I could.  Although I was familiar with the people that I knew I still did not come around too much, I kept to myself and I only hung out with the kids that lived in my grandmothers building.  For along time I never hung out with the kids who live in my neighborhood until about two years ago thing change, I began to hang out with the people around my neighborhood and the features of the neighborhood also changed.