she may betray all that she knows and wait for her saviour to come..

Here, In My Head

LiveJournal. If you want to read something of mine that is still regularly (to a degree) updated, than click here.

Take these things, and make them shine like diamonds.
Take these dreams, and climb them as if mountains.
Take this light, and chase the shadows from your heart.
Then, take these wings.
And be free again.
~ ~ Jo Gabriel ~ ~

Sign the guestbook, for crap's sake!

Animal Care Pages
Growing VERY slowly, but growing nonetheless.

Favorite Fantasy Art
"Sometimes, when all that is around me is blood and war and hate... I close my eyes and see myself running through fields of lavender flowers."
Lavender Fields. Folks, this is it. This is the ONE story idea of mine that I can picture making into a novel. Lavender Fields is actually a prequel to another story idea I have (if published ever, there would be two books), and it's something I've been thinking of ideas for for over a year and a half now (it was actually "loosely" inspired by final fantasy VIII). Never before have I stayed so into one story before. If ever I could see anything happening with anything I wrote, this is it. Unfortunately, this little rough draft of a possible prequel is all you will ever be reading of it unless it gets published or I die. I will not post any other bit of this story online. So all you get is this crappy version of a possible prologue that I've decided is not even going to be in the final copy. Sorry :P
Late Night Thoughts. I wrote this one night when I literally forced myself just to write SOMETHING down because I wanted to. Therefore, I didn't think the final product was all that great.
Fayth's Purpose. I was very proud of this when I first wrote it, and had high hopes for the rest of this story. It was originally supposed to be it's own story, but I have actually found a way to incorporate it into the Lavender Fields story. So be lucky, you're reading two little pieces of my most treasured story! Although this one, as of yet, will be part of the finished product.

Wings of Powder Blue. Inspired by the journal of a drug addict I read. Let me say I am not happy with the last paragraph of this story but I'm not quite sure how to change it.
Deception. Another one of those things I literally forced myself to write. I think I could have made this story better.
**Let me just say here that, since I am not a paying member, deleted some of my items, since non-paying members are only allowed to have a certain number of items that they have written on the website. They deleted a story that was one of my favorites, and was far, far, FAR superior to the above two pieces of poo. I just had to mention that. Carry on.**

Fields of Fantasy. A summary of this poem wouldn't be right.
The Realization. One of the extremely few poems I've written that I was pleased with how it turned out (I do not like the beginning though, now that I think about it). Kinda ends on a depressing note, though.
I Pray. A depressing poem (really, is there even any other KIND of poem?).
Short Poems These are a bunch of poems I wrote at about the same time 3ish years ago.

She Surrounds. Random thoughts on the Goddess thrown together on one page.

April 1, 2003

My journal doesn't end there, folks. It may have taken me over a year to update, but at Andrews threats to never read my journal unless it was a LIVEjournal, I was forced to make it a livejournal. And here it is.

Meaningful Song Quotes *UPDATED 03-18-03*
Lyrics Survey Check it out! (not as easy as it would seem)
Singers I Like These are singers I really really like that nobody's ever heard of. They deserve to be heard! *UPDATED 01-24-02*
Relationship Gone Wrong (a past not-so-happy relationship (written while it was going on.. towards the end))
Millenium Feelings
What Happens When You Die?
My Dreams UPDATED 01-01-02
Daydream (It was like a dream, only I was awake. (*name has been changed*))
The Night Everybody Pretends They Don't Hate Each Other or The Senior Prom

Ramblings part II *UPDATED 05/29/02*
Customers Suck *UPDATED 04.01.03*
Pictures of Me!
Pink Eye 2000
Movie Reviews *UPDATED 03/19/03*
Funny Quotes *UPDATED 04.20.03*
Funny Quotes (Work Version)UPDATED 05/01/02
Random writing of a day last year
If You Want To Be My Dream Man, Read This And See If You Qualify
Hazy Links

I like color.

Tina, the Troubled Teen

Tina the Troubled Teen


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