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Jordan's Webpage

Hello! I'm Jordan! Turning two on March 12,2000, was so much fun! (I think Mommy & Daddy need a few more gray hairs, don't you?!) Barney & Teletubbies are my favorite toys and shows to watch. Sleeping with Po makes sleeping through the night easy now.(I think Mommy finally deserves to sleep at night, too!) Visiting with Poppy & Grandma Sara is the best! The day I was born, the doctors told my Mom & Dad that I had Tricuspid & Pulmonary Atresia(congenital heart defects). I also had Vesicouretal Reflux (Bladder reflux). They transferred me to North Shore University Hospital, 2 hours away. I had my first heart surgery when I was 4 days old (AB Shunt). I was able to be reunited with Jonathan 8 days afterward. When I was 6 months old, I had my first open-heart surgery (Glenn Shunt). In just 5 days, I was home playing with my brother. (It took Mommy & Daddy much longer to "heal" from that.) Right after my first birthday, I had the surgery to correct the bladder reflux. I still need one more open-heart surgery when I'm about 4 years old. Then I should finally be fixed! You can also see more photos of us having fun!

My First Picture

Here I am (right) with my brother Jonathan, only a few minutes old.

Now, if I were only as innocent as I look!

Hooray! I'm almost two!!! Jordan's Hospital Photos Back to Home