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Here are some pictures of me on school and some of my teachers.
More comming up! the first pictures are taken of my present study computer enginering.
First picture you see me in the middle with two of my favorite teachers: C. van Dieten and E. Boslooper

Here i am talking to one of my ohter teachers 
Here is my mentor he is one of the two fave teachers. He is very cute but a real nutcase (LOL).
Here you see what he likes best drinking beer, its something he talks about a lot and one of the major things on his mind.
As you see the love of a man goes trough his stomache, thats defently true in his case!

The 4th photo is one of my dog with her toys (well a small part of it as you see). She also collects ponies and her fave hobby is eating, drinking and sleeping (mmm sounds a lot like my mentor van Dieten).

And now you see a photo of me Special Agent D.S.Scully
And now you see a photo of a special piece in my collection (joking) this is my boyfriend Arjan a super boy!!!