
St. Sophia Seminary News

October 7, 2004 the course "Pastoral Worshop" began in the Theological Department led by Dr. Wayne Borgwardt.

September 7, 2004 after Summer vacations the new academic year started. Pastor Andriy Honcharuk, the Vice-bishop of the ULC, began teaching the course "Christian Doctrine I" in the Preparatory Department. Pastor David Jay Webber, Rector of the Seminary, started teaching the course "Worship, Liturgy, and Christian Proclamation" in the Theological Department. We wish the professors and students God's rich blessings in exposition and studying His life-giving Word!

The petition "For our seminary, and for those who teach, study, and work therein, let us pray to the Lord" has been added to the Rite of The Service of Word and Prayer of St. Sophia Seminary.

August 16, 2004 another ceremony dedicated to the graduation from St. Sophia Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary took place in Ternopil. This year the St. Sophia graduate Oleksandr Husar received the diploma of a Bachelor of Theology. May the Lord help him on the field of the ministry of the Gospel and Sacraments to God's people!

April 30 - May 2, 2004. Ukrainian Lutheran Church delegation took part in the meeting of the Confessional Evangelical Lutheran Conference of the European Region that took place in Zwickau, Saxony, Germany. Bishop V'yacheslav Horpynchuk, Vice-Bishop Andriy Honcharuk, Head of the Galician Eparchy Taras Kokovskiy, Adjunct-Professor of the Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary of Saint Sophia Oleh Yukhymenko, ULC Secretary Ihor Rudzik, ULC Advisor Petro Rudzik and Dr. John Lawrenz participated in the meeting. Adjunct Professor Yukhymenko presented his paper "Loescher on Adiaphora." The paper was well received. This year meeting was attended by Churches from Germany, Ukraine, Sweden, Latvia, Norway, Bulgaria, Finland and Czech Republic. The meeting was finished by the Liturgy that was led by the Reverends: Gerhard Wilde, Jonas Schroeter and Gundars Bakulis.

Pastor Horpynchuk   Pastor Honcharuk   Pastor Yukhymenko

On September 9, 2003 classes began in the Theological Faculty of St. Sophia Seminary. Rector of St. Sophia Seminary D. J. Webber is giving lectures on "Church and Christian Hope."

On September 8, 2003 classes began in the Preparatory Faculty of St. Sophia Seminary. Prof. Kovaciny is conducting classes on New Testaments Greek.

On August 26, 2003 Graduation Ceremony of the Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary of Saint Sophia took place in Ternopil. 5 graduates received their diplomas of bachelor and master of Divinity: deacons Oleksiy Onufriychuk, Pavlo Oskolov, Serhiy Romaniuk, Victor Paschenko, and Vadym Zinchenko. Now graduates will have their practice in congregation and later on they will be called and ordained in the congregations of the Ukrainian Lutheran Church. At Vespers due to the Graduation Ceremony Rector David Webber preached. At the worship service Rector Webber was assisted by Adjunct-Professor Oleh Yukhymenko and Professor Roger Kovaciny. Seminary workers as well as Saint James and John Lutheran Church members and Ternopil Oblast officials came to share joy at the Graduation Ceremony. Bishop V'yacheslav Horpynchuk and Dr. John Lawrenz ("Thoughts of Faith" mission society) were special guests that greeted graduates on this special day in the life of the Church and in their own lives.