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Tuesday, 8 April 2008
Not that into me or you
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Beatles-Get By With a Little Help From My FRIENDs... I know, right?
Evidently, no man has ever been into me, I’ve not really been that into most of them...

So, with my past relationships, I’ve always whined to my girlfriends after the fact about "why didn’t you tell me?" or "Okay, why didn’t you try harder?" So, today I received 4 "care packages" or wine, chocolates, CDs and books. YAY! (nice timing, btw, ladies).

So, here, for your reading pleasure, I’m going to impart some wisdom that I found funny, either because it applies now, would have applied in the past, or I’ve had one too many glasses of wine. hehehehe. I’ll let you guess!

"Here, take my body. And I made you a cake.Please be nice. Please marry me. I’ll even jack my butt up nice and high like they do in yoga. It’s so comfortable being upside down. Really. I just love it!"

"you go on a date and he doesn’t call...he just isn’t into you."

"If we’re friends with someone and attracted to them, we’re going to want to take it further."

"Sadly, not wanting to see you in person is massive"

"you have been dating this guy for a year and it hasn’t gotten any more serious....he isn’t that into you."

"I will not go out with a man who:
(a) Keeps me waiting by the phone
(b) Is not sure he wants to date me
(c) Makes me feel sexually undesirable
(d) Drinks or does drugs to an extent that makes me uncomfortable
(e) Fears talking about our future
(f) Is married"

"Friend: A person who is your pal. What it generally means in relationships is he’s just not that into you."

"Busy: Busy means I’m the President of the United States. I’m an astronaut and I’m on another planet. I’m in a really successful band. What it means in relationships is, yeah, I’m just not that into you."

"Bad boy: A bad boy is just a bad boy. Stay away. If you’re dating somebody that’s a bad boy, that’s just your fault. If you say "my boyfriend’s kind of a bad boy," I feel bad for you. If you say, "I like bad boys" well, then I don’t feel bad for you. If you say, "I like things that don’t work." Okay, good for you. Generally, guys with low self-esteem aren’t worth the trouble. They’re just not."

"unsure is ’no,"

"there’s no pain equal to the pain of longing for somebody that’s not into you."

Talk about mixed signals... WTF!?! Even the people who write these books are trying to make women insane! After all of the not into you, he’s a dog, you can do so much better, you go, girl crap, you get this:

"You just don’t let him be a dog. Your standards are so high you don’t let him be a dog. You can’t be played if you’re not playing. What I want to say that is so key for everybody to get. Nobody—even if a dog has been a dog. He has been head of the pound. Head of the dog pound. If he meets the right person, he will change his dog pound ways. He just will."

I’m sorry, but unless you have beer-flavored-boobs, no. Just no.

And my fav:

"If I’m making excuses not to have sex with you, I’m not into you"

-Seriously, what man makes excuses to not have sex? I’ve certainly never met one! Back me up, ladies!

*They need to fix this damn thing.. or maybe it’s my ’puter. Dunno. Can’t tell ya. (yes, that was a little McLatchy comin’ at ya!). Anyway, yeah, that CD... but almost ironically... and I believe it’s on "Do You Hear the Poeple Sing?" form Les Mis. No, seriously, he’s not gay... well, yeah, I’m assuming... shut up!*

Posted by ny4/dakota at 9:38 PM EDT
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Monday, 7 April 2008
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: Kate Voegele-I Won't Disagree

Okay, so unfortunately I didn’t finish 10 on my list (I was pretty much able to get to 11 without the WHOLE bottle and then I figured on top of Maria’s pizza... not a good idea...) but today’s another day. Well, once the boy is bed, anyway.

I’ve gotten a lot of comments and requests and questions and... anyway, I’m going to try to address it all here.

No, Dan’s not "the Jerk."

Actually, neither is S.O.T.B... that’s who I meant, but I guess jerk is the wrong word (though, I know, a lot of you would say it’s a very accurrate word and that’s largely why I used it).

As for that list... The thing is, I feel like right now I need a companion list for the "Reasons.." list... just to help me cope and to try to get back into Ray-mode. And the two biggest reminders (the weird lies and the triangle) aren’t cutting it right now. I know. I know. I’m being an idiot. If I could control this, believe me, I would. I guess "No Good" should be on the new playlist, huh? Or maybe "I Get it" or "The Devil in Me" or "Only Fooling Myself" or "Wish You Were" or "Chicago..." Is there a single track that wouldn't fit???

For those who’ve asked, yes. The playlist on myspace, that is it. Or, at least close... 1 more Kate Voegele (my favorite one, coincidentally. Yeah. I know), TFA, Moxy (his fav/my fav)...

I will probably be adding what I was planning to send as the reply but then everything else happened and... Let's just say I'm glad I didn't. I think I've been humiliated enough, thanks.

Posted by ny4/dakota at 1:28 PM EDT
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Sunday, 6 April 2008
Little Help
Mood:  blue
Now Playing: snoring baby

So, okay, I’m working on a new list. I think it will be called "Reminders of Why he’s a Jerk." Any suggestions because I have some REALLY good ones but they’re not cutting it right now... (the bizarre lie and the character under question).

I just feel so stupid and weak and it’s a lot like the whole Bryan thing all over again. I’m just glad that I was able to stop things before I got worse.

I just feel like I have so many doubts... I don’t know what to believe anymore. I just typed 10 more pages. I’m trying to get it all out of me so that it’s out of my head and out of my system. I guess I just don’t get it. I mean, why all the lies? I'm not your wife. Whatever!

I have so many questions but I think I’m gonna avoid it. I mean, what're the chances i'll get the truth, anyway. GRRRR. Why does it have to be so complicayed!?! And I’m just not replying to her right now. I guess if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.  

I don't quite know what to do with Dan. There's still the matter of fitting that last piece in for him. Should I do it or just pretend we're done with the conversation?

I wrote up the letter. I think it's basically finished but I’m listening and not sending it. Thanks girls. You’re right. Now just help me stay strong!


"Elle croit que tout change, et seule elle a changé."-Saurin

Posted by ny4/dakota at 4:39 AM EDT
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Thursday, 3 April 2008
Mood:  amorous
Now Playing: best mix cd ever

So, I’ve been getting a lot of calls and emails this trip and I appreciate the love, ladies. I’ll be home in a couple days and if I seem grumpy or don’t answer for a bit, it’s just because I’m trying to process...  I’m posting sections here, b/c it defines the situation the best I can to the greatest numbers....

"Have you ever felt so torn, emotionally, over wanting two opposite things so much, at the same time? I wanted them both but right now, I can’t have either and you know how I am with can’t. And the one... well, I got an answer... but it wasn’t what I was hoping for. But, I almost think that it was what a part of me was hoping for and I think that might make me a bad person... or at least a worse person... Does that make any sense?"

"So, I don’t know what to do with any of it. Would you poke the bear? Because I go back and forth. I mean, you know me. I can’t just leave a thing alone but I feel like I need to. It’s just that I don’t know if I can live this way"

"It’s EVERYTHING. It’s hand-writing. It’s touch. It’s vocal... I’m a mess. I want to slap me right now. In fact, can you hear that? That’s me actually slapping myself. What’s wrong with me!?!"

"Yeah, but that’s just the thing. I’m not. He’s not. We’re not (No, this isn’t a new take on Buster Poindexter). So, how do you shake that?"

"So, how does that compare with the theory? I mean, my life is more than half over. How do you not focus on that? Or the reality of his situation, for that matter? When the boy is my age, he won’t have a mother, though... What do I do?"

*Since this thing hasn’t allowed me to put in what I’m listening to (and it really wouldn’t help, even if it did), I’ll let you all guess... Anyone I’ve spoken with tonight, yeah. Marlo Frickin’ Thomas.... I should’ve had the Vodka...*

Posted by ny4/dakota at 11:54 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 25 March 2008
Funniest Stuff I've Heard in While-Easter '08
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Blitzkrieg Bop

So, over Easter, there weren’t too many "holiday bads" but there were a few. I think we must be saving all the really good stuff for St. Patrick’s Day. As promised, here are some of

Funniest Stuff I’ve Heard in a While: Easter ’08

"Two blue balloons? Wasn’t that your nickname in high school?"

"So, my Holy Roller Aunt is president of her church or whatever and she doesn’t know when Easter is. I have to ask the frickin Wiccan"

"Great so now we have The Frickin Wiccan and Two Blue Balloons"

"Frickin Wiccan? Well, yeah. That’s what it says on my business card"

"It’s just not the same without the Puerto Rican flatbread!"

"They’re just too big and round!"

"CCL, huh? Carnival Cruise Lines? Couldn’t Care Less?"

"That’s a Butter shitzu, thankyouverymuch"

"Bust it out. I’ll flatten some more rolls. I could really go for some laso apso. Always the pineapples growing, Always the coffee blossoms blowing... I like the City of San Juan..."

"Wait! Does that mean I have to be Dave. I just looooove G.W. G.W. woo woo bite me!"

"Rach has started resorting to asking complete strangers, walking down the street, how they feel about meatloaf. She’s dedicated to her research... or just really nuts. I know where the smart money is."

"I’m ready now. How long’s it gonna take Billy to put on his make-up?"

Posted by ny4/dakota at 11:45 AM EDT
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Thursday, 20 March 2008
I Went to the Doctor and Guess What he Told Me...
Mood:  down
Now Playing: J.E.W. "The Middle"
...guess what he told me He said, girl you better try to have fun no matter what you do... No, wait, that’s what he told Sinead O’Connor. My bad...
So, to start this off, Dan made the appointment and was going to baby-sit Fletcher for me. Then he decides that I shouldn’t drive. He’ll take me. He wakes me up this morning and tells me "don’t worry about us. I’ll get Fletcher & I ready, you just do what you need to to get yourself ready." And, of course, I fell for it. You know, ’cuz I’m an idiot. So, they’re not ready. We don’t even leave the house until 8:35 (I have an 8:30 appointment) and when we get there I’m too late. I can stick around to see if they can fit me in or re-schedule. Nice. So, being that Dan’s taking the morning off of work to do this and tomorrow’s Good Friday, I stick around but it doesn’t sound hopeful. I don’t care. I’m not coming back tomorrow, though, that’s for damn sure. It’s just viral. I know it’s just viral. What can they really do for it?  They call me up and I’m thinking it’s to tell me that they can’t fit me in, but no. They take me back. Cool.
So, it’s viral (Hah!). But more importantly, I have no immune system. Sweet! So, his theory is it’s because I don’t eat and sleep enough. The fact that I’ve dropped 5 pounds since I was there last didn’t indicate that I was losing baby weight. Nah, he saw that as a problem... WTF? And even that has gone up recently. I’m beyond frustrated with that, but that’s beside the point. So, anyway, he’s decided that I have some type of virus and a sinus infection. It’s nothing major... yet. His prognosis is I need to eat and sleep. I can barely swallow soft foods right now. What does he want me to eat? Seriously??? And sleep? I have a 20 month old. So, he tells me "you’re completely depleted. You’ll either keep getting sick until you finally get better or you’ll keep getting sick until you get worse and you’ll end up in the hospital." So, I’m pretty much hoping for the former because, frankly, the later kinda sounds like it would suck. His two-pronged attack went something like this:
Get help.
Give the boy Benedryl to get him to sleep so that I can sleep.
Wow! So, I don’t really know if I consider either of those valid options.
He did, however, say that I’m taking all the right stuff and taking really good care of myself in that regard. He added that being a SAHM usually takes a heavier toll than being a working Mom and being a WAHM is probably the worst possible situation, in terms of my health. It’s a personal decision but he would recommend that I either work or stay at home, not both. Ouch. And he actually played the you need to get better so you can be better to take care of your son card. He’s good. Toward the end he said "alright, alright. You get the point, though, right? Okay. Then I’ll quit lecturing." So, I don’t know what to do. It’s not like I really have anyone who can help and I don’t think I want to drug my kid. So, do I just shoot for "keep getting sick until you finally get better" ??? I’m so conflicted.

Posted by ny4/dakota at 4:04 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 19 March 2008
Sick-I'll try not to whine too much
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Journey- "I'll be Alright"

So, I've been sick for the last 2+months , just never getting better and then aomething else hits. Last night, my fever was approaching 107 before finally breaking, following an ice bath. It's been in the lower 100s so that's good. We're hoping to keep it there. If not, we're headed for the E.R. again. I'm going to go to the doctor's tomorrow morning, first thing. It's not that I think the doctor will actually be able to do anything for me. I really doubt he will, in fact. But if there is anything that can help, I'll try it. I'm just so wiped out and so sick of being sick.

So, in the midst of all of this, my mom calls me today, after learning that I'm sick again/still but worse. I don't know. How do you word that? Anyway, her reply is basically "so, what does that mean for Easter plans?" Nice.

We're Christian (at least mostly) so Easter's one of those big ones for us (I don't do the 8-hour Good Friday church services with her anymore, but...) She's got a 23lb ham or something insane. There's a boatload of family members looking forward to seeing us. I usually do a fair ammount of the cooking. I'm thinking that if I wasn't going to make it, they wouldn't do easter this weekend. They'd move it. Or, they'd bring Easter to me (they did that the one year when I was in college, some of you probably remember the Brick Easter?). My Mom still hides my Easter Basket (and Ray's and Dan's and Tina's... Tina's almost 40 and didn't celebrate Easter until Ray so completely insane!). We usually do the Botanical Garden's Easter show and who would take Daddy to Pumpernick & Pastry and... Plus, they haven't seen us in almost a month. I haven't been there since my mom's surgery, so that was 2 months ago.

I don't think she gets how bad it is. She was giving me a hard time about how "the old people" are even better. I've been sick for 2 months. I need to get over it. And I do and I've been trying and I've just been not talking about it because I don't want to just bitch about how I'm so sick all the time. I start to get better and then something else hits.  And that woman just doesn't get sick. She literally does not get sick. It's not human!

So, I have all of that plus the trip planning I'm suppose dto be doing, work crap, and taking care of Fletcher who is a beast and will not nap and I'm just shivering, trying to walk with him and not drop him.

And I'm not gonna do it. I'm not gonna let myself fall apart. And I'm not going to make doves of bags.

Posted by ny4/dakota at 2:40 PM EDT
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Thursday, 13 March 2008
Follow-up to MPR
Now Playing: Elmo
So, "Vic" was not pleased with the "Mr. Puerto Rico" comment.

I’ve been thinking about this (probably too much)... but I've decided to remove it. The reason I found it amusing was just because the boy who said it is an idiot. The reason you all thought it was funny was that even you, who have never met "Mr. Puerto Rico" as he was called by said boy, knew that he wasn't Puerto Rican.

 In any case, it was taken the wrong way. It was meant to poke fun at the one saying it, not the one it was said about.

My apologies (and hugs) to the offended party.

Posted by ny4/dakota at 10:40 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: All American Rejects "Dirty Little Secret"

So, I think that my new favorite beverage is (drumroll please):

Jones Naturals Your Momegranate


  1. It's a pretty color
  2. It's by Jones, which just automatically makes it a superior beverage
  3. It tastes like awesome
  4. It's sooooo fun to say!
  5. Eventhough it's only 5% juice, it's not totally awful for you.
  6. It also tastes like more
  7. 'Cuz I do-gotta  problem with that? tell it to your momegranate!

 Thank you and goodnight!


*This blog has been brought to you by the bastards who are over-working me and riding my ass like a 3-legged donkey right now... and chocolate-covered espresso beans*




Posted by ny4/dakota at 8:42 PM EDT
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Friday, 7 March 2008
Stupid Hand & Follow-up
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Kate Voegele "The Devil in Me"

I'm not in bed right now. I'd like to be in bed right now. I'm not in bed right now.

Diapers has decided that he needs his own "side" of the bed. The boy thinks he needs to sleep with us from about 2am on, and Dan's always been such a bed hog. I'm starting to re-think the double bed right now.

My hand is killing me from taking everything off to x-ray it, the quack at the hospital "examining" it, putting everything on... I'm just frustrated. I don't want to talk about it. I don't want people to look at it. I just want it healed. I'm a boxer for crying out loud! Do you know how many times I've broken my hands??? just sucks that it's my left!

So, on a happier note, I've gotten more blog hits/emails commenting both on here and from MySpace in regards to the last posting. I'm laughing so hard right now. Some are from people wanting to know who said some of them, but mostly from the guys I stole the quotes from.

Let me just say, boys, if you're having issue now, you'd all better hope my book never gets finished... or at least that it doesn't get picked up by a major publisher. Don't worry. I'm as discreet as ever...

Posted by ny4/dakota at 3:19 AM EST
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