Hey now!Here I am, rock me like a hurricane. Monster Balladas!! Hmm, well for those who dont know, my name is Anacita. (pronounced Anna-see-ta like "mama sita but only with ana"). It all began back in the December of '83. And on this day, the galaxies combined, forming a compact unit that caused the total meltdown of the universe.. actually no.. I was born around the time though. So that means I am currently 17. I dont really like talking about myself, but i'll let you know something..

I live in NY in a little town called Hudson..45 minutes south of Albany if you want to get technical. I look 12.. Im just like short and small. Like 5'2 with shoes! But its ok though b/c I can still fit in dryers and probably get into movies cheaper and still be able to drive legally!
"Don't Call Me White"- good song by NOFX.. The title fits my description I guess. Im half filipina and half black.. Just like Melissa from Real World New Orleans! Or 'afroasian' as mark refers. Yes thats right my mother is an evil filipino... Im not tribal! haha well maybe sometimes.. For the ppl who don't know me and like to judge others, I just want to let you know that I don't fit your stereotypes, so don't feel that you can judge me..

I appear to many to have a quiet demeanor, but I can be loud when I want to. So watch out! b/c if you're lucky I'll push you in the face!! haha.. Im a thinker though.. Some people see me as really smart while others think im dumb.. I can be both I guess.. it just depends on what im doing. I did this palm reading thing at Yahoo! and the results I found to be somewhat true.. It said that I able to do things with my mind that most people cant, and that when I really concentrate I can shut myself off from the rest of the world.. I guess that explains why I have so much tolerance for things. They dont mean that i can bend forks and such.. just that im good with thoughts I guess.. or whatever!

What else is there? Music! I like music a lot..its a good thing to have music around.. Im usually listening to "alternative" or punk.. but im not totally devoted to just that genre of music..I like anything that I think sounds good.. yes that even goes for Nsync.. haha but yeah, why limit yourself to just one thing when you have so many more choices? as Mark Shook would say "I am a music whore!" And I play the clarinet and saxaphone.. (like anyone cares but hey!)..

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