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'); }; function TypeTest() { document.write('CS girl Purity Test
The CS girl Purity Test

'); document.write('

    The Basics:

  1. Are you a girl?
  2. Have you ever been called a nerd?
  3. Are you proud of your nerdiness?
  4. Do you cheat on nerdity tests to get a higher score?
  5. Are most of your friends boys?
  6. Is it because there arent enough cs girls?
  7. Do you seem to know a lot of engineers?
  8. Do you talk about cs in everyday conversation?
  9. Do most people not understand you?
  10. Does that not bother you at all?
  11. '); document.write('


  12. Have you ever taken an computer science class?
  13. Was it your favorite class?
  14. Have you ever written code?
  15. Have you ever written code not for a class?
  16. Are you frequently the only girl in your classes?
  17. And do you frequently do better than all the guys?
  18. Are you a computer science major?
  19. Are people surprised when they discover your major?
  20. Do your other girlfriends say you are lucky for having so many boys in your classes?
  21. Do you respond "The odds are good, but the goods are odd"
  22. '); document.write('
  23. Do you do homework on friday nights?
  24. Have you ever chosen to work on cs instead of going out on a friday night?
  25. Habits:

  26. Does it bother you that AIM doesnt have Parens Matching?
  27. Do you have a .emacs file with pretty colors?
  28. Do you talk about yourself like youre a computer? self.injest("MacNCheese");
  29. '); document.write('
  30. Do you talk in binary?
  31. Have you taught your boyfriend to talk in binary?
  32. When you wake up do you need a few minutes to "initialize your variables"?
  33. Can you talk about code for hours?
  34. Do you live in a computer lab?
  35. Do you have keycard access to a computer lab?
  36. Does that make you feel special?
  37. Do you have a webpage?
  38. Does it have animated gifs you drew?
  39. Does it have a list of links to nerdy sites?
  40. Does it have more than just HTML?
  41. Do you use Email more than real mail?
  42. Do you use Email more than the phone?
  43. Do you use AOL instant messenger?
  44. ICQ?
  45. Do you use mathematical tricks to remember common numbers (her birthday is 3/26 and 3*2*6 =36,so the phone number is 326-3636)
  46. Do you use smiley faces in your IMs ;-)?
  47. Do you abbreviations in your IMs? LOL TTYL
  48. Do you ever spell out abbreviatons in real (spoken) speech?
  49. Do you drink mountain dew?
  50. Is your blood more than 25% caffeine?
  51. Do you have a favorite coffee vending machine?
  52. Do you have a favorite brand of Salt and Vinegar potato chips?
  53. Are you going to make *a lot* of money when you grow up
  54. Social Life:

  55. Can you code drunk?
  56. Do you code better drunk?
  57. Can you type perfectly even when youre too drunk to walk?
  58. Does it only take two beers to get you to that point?
  59. Do you like video games?
  60. Are you better at video games than the boys you know?
  61. Does it piss you off that most funny cs T-Shirts only come in boy sizes?
  62. Does the lack of female restrooms in the engineering buildings upset you?
  63. Do you wish there were more linux themes with hot guy backgrounds?
  64. Do you get hit on by guys who have likely never seen a female before (due to being locked up in the lab)?
  65. Do you find it slightly flattering?
  66. When you meet other cs girls do you get giddy?
  67. Do you party with your cs partners?
  68. Do you think that guys who wear black frame hacker glasses are hot?
  69. Are you proud of girl characters that are technically savvy?
  70. Do you love La Femme Nikita (Damn USA for cancelling it)?
  71. Does it piss you off that you get low scores on most nerdity tests because you dont watch star trek?
  72. Are you a member of any computer science organizations? (ACSU...etc)
  73. Are you a member of any womens cs or engineering organizations? (SWE...etc)
  74. Did you fail gender test?
  75. Do you read math/cs books for fun?
  76. Do you post to slashdot?
  77. Do you love newsgroups?
  78. Computers:

  79. Do you know how to use a computer?
  80. Do you know how to program a computer?
  81. Do you know how to program an OS?
  82. Do you know what an OS is?
  83. Do you know more about computers than most boys you know?
  84. Do you have a favorite computer language?
  85. Is it a *functional* language?
  86. Do you have a favorite OS?
  87. Is it linux?
  88. Are you willing to fight for it?
  89. Does recursion excite you?
  90. Do you like to code?
  91. Do you make your code pretty?
  92. Are your comments descriptive?
  93. Is it obvious by looking at your code that it was written by a girl?
  94. Is it because you added color and ascii art?
  95. Do you name your computers?
  96. Do you have more than one computer?
  97. Do you have a favorite computer?
  98. Do you prefer to telnet into computers with female names? (Go Ada!!!)
  99. Do people come to you when their computer freezes?
  100. Can you usually fix it?
  101. Do you have a computer "pet peeve"
  102. Is it when people doubleclick on hyperlinks?
  103. Have you taught yourself any programming languages?
  104. Do you think assembly language is awesome?
  105. Do you know how a buffer-overun virus works?
  106. Do you think it would be really cool to write a virus...for purely educational purposes

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