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1st Semester

Me and my roomie This was back in August...we haven't really changed much though, we are still that hot!!

Room Our nice, small, cozy room!

Our Ancestors Funny how they look exactly like us!

Jess & James Here's my ra and her boyfriend. cute.

Mandi & Paul Another cute couple who just happens to live in my dorm! cute Jess and I looking alike and haning out in the bowling alley.

Boston Jess and I waiting for the T in Boston.

At Harvard Jess showing just how large Yaa's dorm room really is!

Jessica Sandwich There must be something in Denny's food!

Playing Pool Jess and Jess in competitive mode.

Jessica and Jason Since there is no room in our room we tell our guests to sit on the floor...and sometimes Jess will dress up and sit with you ;)

Erik Our wonderful choir master and a studio friend.

Bill Another studio friend who just happens to sing in the church choir.

Alex Our old male RA. (hey Jess) "I wanna be with you..."

More Alex Here's a better pic of this cutie ;)

Halloween does some scary things to people...

Hall Council Lobby decoration contest (we got 2nd!)...hall council (minus Rob and Hilary)

Dan Dan from Horseheads...I guess we are pretty scary people in central New York.

Bill Greene Please don't look at this picture unless you want to be scarred for life!

The next bunch are from Homecoming. We really did kick serious butt with our Bill and Ted skit!!

The Gang

Back in the suite room

Another view

We had a little too much fun

Ok...way too much fun

A different point of view

FINE!! Yes we were bored!