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Ms. Grese's Guide to Australia
This guide is a resource for teachers who would like information on creating a thematic unit on Australia.  Take a look at the links below for web sites that are chock-full of information about the land Down Under!
Scroll down or choose from this menu!
The Olympic Games
Fun Facts and Activities
Teacher Resources
Social Studies
The Olympic Games - Sydney 2000
    The Olympics may be the reason that so many people are interested in Australia right now.  Here are a few links to sites about the 2000 games.

Fun Facts and Activities
Teacher Resources
    Collaborative Projects
    Lesson Plans
    Information Sites
Science - Ecosystems and Wildlife

    Books, Authors and Folk Tales

These are the covers of two books I recommend!  Check the links below for reviews, a synopsis, and even ordering information from!
Check out these last three books, illustrated brilliantly by Bronwyn Bancroft (see above pictures), a descendant of Australian Aborigines in the territory of New South Wales:


Social Studies

    History of Settlement     Aborigines Two Aborigine schools in the Outback share their projects:
This site was created by Whitney Grese, a 3rd grade teacher in the Bronx, New York, at Community School 4.  Questions or comments can be directed to Ms. Grese at  Thanks for coming!