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Welcome to our home on the web. This is the place where you can find as much info as you need on our band. You can see where we're playing next, where we've played before, eventually download music and videos. You'll also find as many updates as possible on the band's progress, and see what's going on with AE. Thanks for visiting and don't forget to take the poll and SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! That way we know who's been here.

Look what we found...ever wonder what our name means?

Date Updates
8/13/2000 Thanks to everyone who came out to see us at the third annual Rock Hopewell. We really appreciate it and we also appreciate everyone who bought our CD. We know the quality sucks, but we're gonna use the money we made (150$ - we sold out!) towards time in the studio, and hopefully by Xmastime we'll have a demo out. We're trying to get some other stuff scheduled, so we'll let you know when we do. Thanks again!
9/16/2000 Well, there's been quite a bit going on with the band lately. We have been getting more and more information on future shows, and we've been getting others scheduled. We were told that the Battle of the Bands that we will be in will be huge. They are expecting 1,500+ people there, so you could say we're all a little...nervous. But its no big deal, we'll go up there and once we get going, we'll put on a great show (if all goes well). We're also trying to get a little spot in the Cubbyhole in Pough. and we'll do a little something there. More to come as we get the info.
1/23/2001 Well it looks like the site is finally ready to be released. I hope everyone finds their way around ok. Let us know how we did and what we need to do to make it better. Onto another issue: THE DIVINE TOUR 2000. We would like to thank everyone who came out to show their support, and we hope we put on a decent enough show for you. Because it was held in a gymnasium, the sound really couldnt get too much better than it did. However, another HUGE THANKS goes out to Doug McHoul and everyone who showed up to watch the show, and ended up RUNNING THE WHOLE SOUND SYSTEM for us. It was a huge help, guys, and we really appreciated it! All the bands played their hearts out, and gave the crowd a night to remember. Pictures (and possibly even videos!!) are coming soon. Anyways, we'll talk to ya soon...thanks for visiting!
2/6/2001 OK well there's a lot of news to write about this time. First of all, as you all probably already noticed, we are no longer Third Floor. We are now, by unanimous decision, AUGUST EFFECT. We hope everyone likes this change..but if not, sorry but we dont care. This is the final name, and its about time! In other news, we have contacted a recording studio in Fishkill about some time slots to make our first demo! We were approved, and we just have to set some dates and times. The recording studio boasts prior recording artists such as Peter Gabriel, and we are all extremely excited about this. Now we just have to agree on what songs to record. Dont count on any old songs to be on the demo, as we most likely will be using newer, better material. We will most likely have another poll to help us make our decision. Anyways, thats all we have right now...check out the Music page for new songs and soon some MP3s!! Until the next update...
2/11/2001 Well, if everything goes according to plan, it looks like we have time booked in a recording studio for March 12 and 13th. We will be using the weekend to record and then mixing the tape over the next week. We still have to decide what we are recording onto the tape, and what we will be calling it. We'll put up a page soon on the progress of the recording, and we'll keep you all up to date on what goes on with it. Also, the acoustic show at The Cubbyhole in Pough. is going to be happening pretty soon. Once we know for sure we'll put it up on here. O well, thats all for now...DONT FORGET TO SIGN THE GUESTBOOK!!! We wanna know who's coming in here...thanks!
2/24/2001 There's a new section located above or by clicking here that is all about the new demo. Go there to see the progress of the recording. We need some suggestions for the NAME of the CD, so if you wanna help us out with that one just leave a message in the guestbook. The recording date has been pushed back to March 17 and 18, because of conflicting schedules within the band, but now we're all clear and that weekend is the final date for the recording. Keep checking back for more updates!
3/10/2001 DEMO STARTED!!! See the demo page for a recap of the work so far and info on the demo. We are very excited about this thing...its going great so far. Also, at the end of the month...March 31, we're going to be playing a benefit for St. the gym. Other bands include Inverness and The Guitar Army. (It's an alumni show...we all went to the school...) So please come check it out and support the school. We'll be debuting all our new material...and possibly selling our NEW CD!! (If its done by then...).
3/10/2001 ...AND IT'S FINISHED!!! The new demo is finally behind us. See the above page for all the pictures (coming soon) and info on the new CD...which we now can say that we will be selling on the night of the March 31st show! That night will also be the debut of all the new PLEASE come check it out! It's for a good cause too...give the st. columba kids what we st. columba kids never had...a decent playground...also Divine Tour pics are up in the live music section! anyways...check back soon for another update!
3/25/2001 MAJOR SETBACK. We went to pick up our CD on Saturday...and found that the whole thing was a huge bust. In other words, it turned out horrible...and even by Doug's standards, he thought it really just a bad recording. So now, with no extra charge to us, he wants us to do the whole thing over, because he wants this demo to be really good. He told us he wants to bring us to Geffen Records, because we are "today" material. So anyways, we'll let you know the details as they come, but if you want the new material, just make sure to come to the show this can hear it there. Thanks a lot! until later...
4/5/2001 Well, the show at St. Columba went really well...we helped to raise the school $700+ and it was a lot of fun! We debuted all the new material and even pulled an on-stage, spontaneous version of Shaggy's "Angel"! Thanks to Inverness for inviting us and thanks to everyone who came out to show your support!! More information about the demo is coming soon, so be looking for that in the near future. Until then...
5/21/2001 Well, its been a while since we've updated this page...sorry that took so long. But a lot has actually been going on with August Effect lately. First of all, we finished up our recording a while ago, but we're all a little less than excited about it. The quality is ok, it's just the way that we went about the recording (completely live, no tracks) that we dont like. So now we've learned our lesson and hopefully the next demo will be much better. We're most likely deciding not to sell this demo, as we feel the fans need more quality for their money...and that will come soon. Secondly, we have been hired to play this year's annual "Son's of Italy Festival" at the Hopewell Rec. We're doing two sets for a total of about 2 hours of music. It's sure to be a lot of fun so come on and check it out. Finally, August Effect has a project that we are working on now...As many of you know, this past month has included the tragic loss of two teenagers at Our Lady of Lourdes High School...and the band wants to do anything we can to help we've written a song for our two good friends, in tribute to them...and once it is recorded, we will be selling the CD for 4 or 5 bucks, and ALL MONEY that is made will go towards the two memorial funds of our friends. We will not be making ANY money off of this recording, but we feel that it is a good way to honor their lives and remember them forever. More info on this coming shortly. Anyways, thats all for now...look for more and more updates and hopefully some changes to the website.
7/17/2001 Wow this page hasnt been updated in a LOOOONG time. O it has been. We have a few shows coming up, so check out the AE LIVE page for info. Also, pictures of recent shows will be up soon, as well as setlists, and lyrics of new songs! As many of you know, we have added a member to the band for the summer...Mike Mattiello is now on the 2nd guitar for the band. He's been working hard and learning all our songs and he's doing a great job so far. He'll be with us whenever he's not in school. Anyways, we'll be updating this page a lot more over the summer. So until then -
11/4/2001 Ok, i said last time that this page hasnt been updated in a while...but this is rediculous. Well, in the 4 MONTHS since we've updated, the band has had some activity, but not a lot. We've been in the process of writing a lot of new material that we're very excited about. We think we have a much more mature sound and we're liking where we're going with the band. We've also been talking to some local bands recently and a show at Club Crannel Street doesnt look to far away at the moment. That will be awesome...we'll keep you up to date on that. Also, we're hoping to be able to get a show together to benefit our senior class and prom which we're hoping to hold at OLL High School soon. Our first attempt was denied by the commitee at Lourdes, but we're working on it. Plus, we'll probably be accompanied by The Plan, so that will be a lot of fun. Also, we're looking to record again really soon (ASAP) so hopefully that will work out too. Anyways, i think thats it for now...hopefully we'll update again within the month...until then...
11/12/2001 OK, well...great news! We are confirmed to play a show on January 26, 2002 at CLUB CRANNEL STREET!! That's located right next to the Chance, some of you might know it as Club X. We are really excited and can't wait for this show. It should definately rock, so come out if you can make it. We're opening for Next II Nothing, Shanti, and the Schematics. In other news, we have been writing a lot of new material lately so we should be ready to debut a lot of new stuff at that show! See ya soon....
1/9/02 First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Welcome to another year...the band is looking forward to some exciting stuff this year. Right now activity is pretty quiet, but we're working on some new stuff and getting everything straight, and soon ,we should be coming back to playing more shows and writing more songs. We have a lot of new material...some of the lyrics are already up on the "Music" page. Just go to the bottom of the song list and you'll find all new songs. Hopefully soon you can actually hear those songs live...more on that to come. Also, you may notice a couple of small changes to the website...we're trying to upgrade it as fast and as best we can. We may be getting a hold of some brand new pictures of some older shows soon, so look for them to be posted REALLY soon. Always keep checking back - and while youre here, do us a favor and leave a message in the guestbook, so we know who's been here. Anyways, i think that's it for right now - we'll be back with another major update soon.