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Alpha Sigma Alpha

Gamma Delta Chapter


Our site wasn't updated for some time so the web hosting company "deleted" the pages. However, it kept our address active!!

Our next scheduled event will be another Reunion Luncheon on City Island.

According to the concensus of a vote of the last group of attendees,

OCTOBER 19, 2003
is the date.

It will be at:.

The Harbor Restaurant
565 City Island Ave
Bronx, NY 10464-1104

Please plan to be there at noon.

Please call or email Carole Rubinich Treich if you plan on attending the luncheon.
Phone: 201-358-9066
Email address link is at bottom of page

If you are in contact with any other sisters who may not be aware of our reunion plans, please have them call or email.
We're hoping for a GREAT turnout.
