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These rules and regs have been approved by the Gen Wistedt.

The rules and regs are short and simple .

All members of the AoC will report in at least once a month for there monthly reports.

16th.....Brigade Commanders report to Division Commanders
19th.....Division Commanders report to Corps Commanders
24th.....Corps Commanders report to the Army Commander
25th.....Corps Commanders report OBD discretionary point distributions to the Army Commander
28th.....Army Commanders report OBD discretionary point distributions to the Theater Commander
any reports received later then that will be posted in the next month.
With the Monthly reports you will recommend all your commissions for medals in the "comments "part of the form.

All division officers will fill in the monthly report form at the end of the XX corps part of the web page.

All Corps Xo will fill in the AoC corp form and submit it to me .on the bottom of the web page next to the forum.Corp commanders will see this is done.

All members will report if possible ANY absences from the corp.And post in the AoC forum so that your opponents will be aware. We know that this is a hobby and many other things take a pritority in life but at least give the other members the courtesy of letting us/them know. Notify your commanding officer!!!

5 th
To stay active you need to be PLAYING at least one game a month. If not you will be placed into the reserve DiV. where you can still take part just you won't be in the Active list.

All new recruits will be placed by Gen wistedt. he will send them to the army Xo and then to the corp commander for place ment. As of right now only the Active reserve div will be expanded and when its big enough Gen wistedt will give the order to form a new corp.

7 th
Chain of command will be followed{ for many reasons Like better for morale , lets the commanding officers do less paperwork.Think of it a div officer has three men to deal with , then the corp adj. has 5 div officers to deal with . and the AoC XO has 1 to deal with Instead of one person dealing with 32 men. It will make it so much more fun if GooD commanders lead there men

Lead by example!!!!!!!!

Corp commanders will over see, Post challenges .to other armies.they will oversee all admin. duties . Post any new recruits.And keep men informed of all developments.

In addition to these rules the main rules of the ACWGC will be adheared to

And lastly Have fun I have gone to GREAT lengths to make this easier on all of us we should be able to run this like a well oiled machine with the least amount of work necesary.

Any questions/additions please let me know Your Obodetant Bri Gen Ken "Grizzly " Bascom XO AoC