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What it means to be a Knight.

To protect those weaker than you

To protect the ones you love.

To protect your family

That is what it means to be a Knight

A Knight must not fear death but call it to them.They must show no fear for sometimes fear show's a weakness. A knight should not rush into battle but should not turn one down either. Watch your opponent closely to see what you are up against before you make your move.

It is a great honor to be a knight especially for this family.You will be expected to guard this family with your life. You are to put your's befor there's. If anyone disrespects our family or the king or queen stand up for them. I am not saying rip there heads off. If they wish to get physical then by all means make a formal challange and take it to DarkColliseum.

My Rules for the Knights

1.Honerable Knights DO NOT kill themself's. If you feel you wish your life to be ended please do it in battle. Only Cowards kill them self. If you have a good enough reason challange a fellow knight.I know the queen will be pissed over this but atleast if you wish to be reserected it will be granted.

2.DO NOT fight with out cause.It show's that you are power hungry and a show off. If i feel you get power hungry or you are showing off too much you WILL be striped of your rank.

3.Show new comers respect as if they are royalty. DO not get into there face simply becouse you do not know them. If you feel them a threat keep your eyes on them. But do not be too obvious about it.

4. Remember vC is one of the head clan's in cain. your actions do not only affect me as your Master Knight but they reflect on the clan as well.

5. If i or the royal family ask you to step down you will be expected to do so. If you do not listan you will be striped of your rank and handed a broom. I will not tolarte a knight that dose not listan. If you do not like my rules then find a diffrent line of work becouse you will not last long as a knight


Here i will list what ranks there are and who holds what rank.

MK Master Knight Highest Knight rank it is held by Victory_Night He is the one who decides who becomes a knight and who needs more training.

HK Head Knight second to the MK Tempest holds rank of HK .. she makes sure noone gets out of line when the MK is not on. there will be 3 HK's when i see more knights on.

K3 These Knighs are working there way to become HK's. There job is to help train lower ranks in combat.

K2 Knighs just comeing off there probation they will be watched closely and trained by k3's they will need to face and beat a k3 in 2 out of 3 fights to progress.

K Knighs just joining. They will be supervised by the MK. during the time you join till you make k3 you will be watched for skills and to find your weak points.

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