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Greetings !!
Summer Ideas & More Ideas

Summer Ideas

A. Go to the park for a picnic

B. Color with chalk

C. Paint a picture

D. Go to the zoo

E. Take a tour of McDonalds or Burger King

F. Go swimming

G. Play red-light green-light

H. Color in a coloring book

I. Practice your flash cards

J. Go to the apple orchard

K. Watch a movie with juice and popcorn

L. Have a pajama day

M. Run through the sprinkler

N. Have a carnival

O. Take Them Out to the Ballgame

There are so many things that you can do with your

  1. Go to the park, enjoy a nature walk in your
    own neighborhood,

  2. inspect the insects that live in your yard

  3. identify the different types of flowers
    blooming on your street.

  4. Kids love word games, brain teasers, math
    puzzles and much more.

  5. Take advantage of your knowledge and share
    it with them.

More Ideas

Water Balloon Volley:

This is a great on a hot summer day!

Each team will need a bedsheet and good supply
of filled water balloons. Everyone on the team
holds a corner or side of the sheet. Place a
water balloon on the sheet. Using lots of
teamwork, bounce the balloon on the sheet until
you can flip it over the net. The other team
must catch it in their sheet and flip it back.

For smaller groups or children, use a smaller
sheet or a tablecloth. You can also use a ping
-pong ball.

Balloon Head Race:

Organize players into pairs and give each team
a partially inflated balloon. When the game
starts, teams must race to a finish line
carrying a balloon between their heads. Don't
use your hands! On hot summer days try using
water balloons or running the race through a

Water Balloon Fight:

Just a good old fashioned wet and wild game of
tag with water balloons! A great way to get cool!
Set ground rules such as no hitting in the face
or head.

After the water fight is over, or every hour or
so, have a race to see who can pick up the most
broken water balloons until they are all picked
up. Use a plastic milk carton to collect them in,
the spout is small enough to collect them and
little hands can't reach in and take them out.

Safety Tip:

Don't let children put broken balloons into
their mouths. Remember, these little broken
balloons are a choking hazard, not only to
small children, but to anyone. If a balloon
breaks in front of a child's mouth they can
suck in the balloon when they gasp with
surprise,and it can choke them.

Egg & Spoon Race:

This is definitely an outdoor activity! You will
need one raw egg and one spoon for each person
participating in the race. Line contestants up
next to each other on a starting line. Racers
should have a point across the yard to race to
(point B), turn around and come back to where
they started (point A).

Place the egg in the spoon. The racer must
balance the egg in the spoon, without using
their free hand, and make it from point A to
point B and back to point A again. If the egg
drops, but is not broken, the racer may pick
up the egg, while STANDING STILL (no travelling!),
reposition it on the spoon and resume the race.
The first person back to point A without a broken
egg wins!

Water Bucket Relay:

This race works best with Rubbermaid containers,
the size that you can fit snugly into your kitchen
sink. Mark the inside of the container with a
marker and fill with water to that marked spot.
Just as in the Egg & Spoon Race contestants should
have a point across the yard to race to (point B),
turn around and come back to where they started
(point A). Howeverm in this race, each contestant
runs solo. Time each person separately, taking

In this race however, the first person back may
not be the winner! Using a stopwatch, or a watch
with a second hand, time each contestant and
record thier water measurement when they have
completed their "lap". The person with the best
time combined with the most water left in their
tub wins!


Have Your Own Olympics
Also Crafts Todo For It..Like Making Medals