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~*~*Shortys Page*~*~

Hey! Thanks for visiting my site! I hope you come back again soon! Tell your friends and neighbors! lol Nate!Anywayz, I am 17 next year I will be 18 WHOO HOO!! I live in Upstate, NY. For now! Hopefully moving out soon WHOO HOO!!! If you want 2 know something you can (a) E-mail me (b) IM me My screen Name is PunkyBi0tch But if i'm not on it e-mail me and ask my new name. E-mail addresses (EXACTLY AS FOLLOWS!): THATS ALL! COME BACK SOON! ~*~Diana~*~ AKA PunkyBi0tch BKA Tinkerbell SKA Shorty ******************************************************* HAVE A NICE DAY! OKAY I LUV YA BUH-BYE! NO WORRYS I LOVE YAH ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!*********************************************************************« © NATE rocks my world © » « © I rockAny guy I meets world © » « © Love Potion: Diana Vryhof + Nathan Dunham = True Love © »

********Tina the Troubled Teen **********************************************************************************************************************************************