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birthday album

As I did last year, I'm going to put together a whole photo album full of your letters, photos, poems, cards, drawings, poems, etc.. whatever you want to send to wish Julianna a Happy Birthday.

You may submit whatever you want, but as a guideline, I'd really like if everyone who submits sends at least a letter, a photo of themselves, and a postcard (already adressed back to you and postage included) of where you live, or even just a photo of something you like. That way *if* Julianna gets the chance to write back, she won't have to worry about finding your address or postage.

The letter I'm asking, please write it on nice stationary or even a plain piece of white paper. Please don't send me a letter written on looseleaf paper or notebook paper.

Send any photo of yourself you'd like, it can be any size, whatever. It's up to you ;)

Like I said about the postcard, please send it already addressed and with a stamp.

Now, for all the extra stuff, you can send birthday cards, poems, pictures you have drawn, etc.. anything you can think of, you are welcome to include.

Last year, most of the people who participated sent birthday cards. But like I said, it is up to you. the card can be store bought or home-made.

Also, if you have anything you'd like me to decorate your 2 pages with, like stickers or something, also send that along. I will be buying stickers and stuff to decorate with, but if you have your own you would really like used, send me half a sheet or a sheet, depending on how many you want. :)

Other than that, I can't really think of anything else you'll need to know. Oh yeah, submission date.

The date I'll need everyone's submissions by is May 1. I figure if I have it all by then, put it together within those next 2 or 3 days, and sent it. There's a chance Julianna *may* get it before her birthday, and if not, probably soon after.

Now please, if you send me an email telling me you're going to submit, please do. I had over 30 people last year email me telling me they were going to send something, and none of them actually did. Now, I still had about 30 or so of you submit, but they way I feel, the more the better!

So that's it. If you would like to participate, send me an email at with JULIANNA ALBUM in the subject heading. I'll need the following information in your email.

Full Name
Email Address
Full Home Address

That's it! So if you want to submit, send me an email and once I email you back with my home address, you can begin sending me the stuff. And remember, you get two pages to fill, so send as much as you can!

~*Have fun!*~