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Maiden, Mother,
Crone, Goddess, and God




Making her way through rain-kissed springtime,
Answering bird's calls with songs of blessing,
Inpeneterable and pure, touched by no one,
Dancing to the beat of her Mother's great waves,
Enduring, renewing, loving and wild
New and forever young, she rules the dawn.



Molding from earth the lives of her children,
Oceans of stars adorn her full figure
Touching our minds with soft silver smiles,
Holding us close in her infinite bosom,
Endearing, encouraging, protective and strong,
Revered and worshipped, she embraces us all.



Cool nights her domain, winter snow her shawl,
Reaching with bent fingers to break silver threads,
Opening the veil between this world and another
Natural, wisened, cold and ancient.
Ever there to greet us, in her sweet realm of sleep.



Giving, nourishing and creating life,
Opening her arms to the earth and sky,
Dancing to songs that have yet to be inspired
Drawing up images that have yet to have names
Everything above and below is her domain,
So sings songs of summer, of of winter, of harvest,
She will answer with love bounty and light!



Golden browed, O Sun Lord, where do you ride?
"Over the high skyrealms on steeds of bright fire.
Day is my present that I willingly give!"