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Fubruary 2nd, 2002
Hey everybody, Happy New Years and such. I actually remember saying something like this last year. How fast a year goes by. Whoops, I seemed to have missed January. Ok, heres what you missed. My 18th birthday was the 30th. I had a party, Feedback Played at it, as well as the debut of the band Evolution Training. Well, you like news? you got news. Upcoming this wednesday night we play our first showing at The Rock N' Roll Preserve in Utica...2005 Genessee St. Don't miss it, 10pm to 1am. More news? OK, you asked for it. We're playing at the Remsen Battle of the Bands on March 1st. There, said and done. I'm sure more news will be coming up. Oh yeah thats right. We'll be recording another demo coming soon. It should sound ok, won't be as good quality as the cd, or (heaven forbid I say it) the first demo, but it'll have 4 of our new songs on it. sound tempting? it should, it's free. Buy an album while you're at it. Whats better than new feedback than classic Feedback? it's hard to say. Well, we gotta run. Make sure you avoid old men in their underwear on Nordic Track's... It could get scary...FB

December 18th, 2001
Hey everybody, did I mention how cold it is? brr it's cold in here. there, i said it. anyway, hows it going? good? cool. Some wierd stuff happened again. I was unable to make it to a show on sunday night because my job was still in the way, although sunday was my last day there. anyway, Jim filled in for frontman for the day, and apparently the show went on, and smoothly at that from what I hear. We don't have any shows upcoming for now, but we're working on pestering stereo cycle into letting us play with them at Captain Tripps. we'll keep ya informed. gotta go. dinnertime. Nothing beat's Mom's homemade meatloaf... FB

December 8th, 2001
Shoot, I'm so good at the DAILY that I missed a whole month. well, not much happened, you know? well some cool shit did happen now. Yesterday night we were all sitting around, scattered throughout CNY, and I get a phone call at 7:00 from Virgobat & Leophrogs. Apparently our friends from Stereo Cycle were in a dilemma. they were supposed to play with 2 other bands, but the 2 other bands cancelled. They needed a band Emergency and wanted us to play. I called steve and after 10 minutes, he picked up. Jim was at his girlfriend's, and will was with Steve. Once we reached everyone, we frantically drove around picking everyone up and gathering the equipment. We made it to VBLP's 45 minutes after the phone call and went onstage at 9:15. Perfect show. Harmonies were great, music was great, and we all had a good time. Stereo Cycle was happy we showed up (by the way, visit their site at In the end, everything worked out. Now tonight on the other hand, things didn't get to the end so easily. We had a show at some party and I decided to follow Will to get there. Now a few things Will doesn't know is: 1. Directions, 2. The speed limit is not 80mph, 3. He does not have the right-of-way to the sidewalk. From now on, I'm leading the pack on the Well after we get there after many MANY wrong turns, Jim isn't going to be there I find out. OK, what songs can we do without Jim? We picked a few, including "Long Way Down" Goo Goo Dolls live style. That was wicked awesome. I went from cranking rhythm to those awesome John Rzeznik Lead solo's and didn't fuck up once. I can't say I did so well on the other songs, but we gave our best shot and it was awesome. Totally a rush not knowing how it's gonna turn out. So I've had enough rush and excitement for 2 days. I'm going to sleep and I'm not getting up til Monday. Goodnight Feedbackorinos... Roads are slippery in the snow, Be careful... FB

November 12, 2001
Halloween Bit. I didn't go trick or treating cuz it was raining, but our good pals steve and wilson and some other people came to watch tv. steve answered the door and scared little kids. how fun. anyway, since then, we played at Kristen's party. also how fun. who saw the ending? didn't it kick ass? great job to wilson on that drum solo. congrats, buddy. so to all those loving fans who came to scream try to tear our clothes off, and have us autograph their naughty parts, thank you for being there. I'm out. be real. if you can't be, don't be fake either. Bubba likes Chad... FB

October 28, 2001
Oky Doky, 3 days til Halloween. We played at the Whitesboro Halloween dance last night and it kicked ass. I think a lot of people enjoyed it. I'm really tired tho. Thanks to daylight savings I got a little extra time to stay awake last nite. but it's no biggie. anybody else have fun last night? sign the guestbook and tell us what you think. I gotta go now, c ya later. Be good. Don't step in poopie when you're trick or treating... FB

October 25, 2001
Hey everyone, 7 more days til Halloween, who's counting? I am! I'm gonna go get me some candy, and so is the rest of Feedback. try and stop us. anyway, we're playing at the dance this weekend. yup. 3 songs. come see it. good stuff. really. should be fun. um, yeah. so we'll see ya there. Make sure your hamburgers aren't red. if they are, I cooked em...FB

October 23, 2001
Hey all, whats shakin? you should hear the song I'm singing in chamber singers at whitesboro high. This wierd song about biling cabbage down... I don't even like cabbage, let alone the song. Kinda redneck-crack hoe music. ya. wierd stuff. Anyway, you gotta come to the whitesboro High Halloween dance on saturday. good stuff. gonna be great music. and plus we're playing a few songs there to promote the album. we've decided on Loss of a moment, gone, and the Doors classic "Roadhouse Blues." good songs. no really. so if you're doing nothing at all, ya know, just sitting there on the couch staring at the wall or such, come on down. you need an ID badge to get in tho, cuz woodcock is a woodpecking cockhead. it'll be fun tho, unless they pull the plug on us. that would suck. well you just gotta be there. Plus go to the pops concert on November 1st. we're playing "Etcetera" off the album and covering Otherside from the chili Peppers. well, i'm going now. c ya all at school and such. Don't let your hamster run loose or it might eat the carpet... FB

October 19, 2001
Ah, another bright morning! well, I'm going back to bed. but first, some news!(Trumpets blare)...well, guess I'm awake now. anyway, here's whats going on in the so to speak "wide world of Feedback." I have a headache. and thats the news...j/k. No really, we're all ready for the show saturday. We're rehearsing tommorrow after school for a few hours and things should be looking good. Jim's gonna get to the show a little late because of his PSAT's. wish him luck. so we'll be starting with brain stew and possibly stairway to heaven. yep, bringin on the classic. The rest of the show should be like normal. quiet in the crowd and boring onstage...wait! I'm just kidding! really, bad joke. well I'm going to go now. don't forget...when your dog poopies, put it in a little baggie and bring it home to throw away... FB

October 18, 2001
Good morning people. And since I won't see you, good afternoon, good evening and goodnight. We got some good news for a change. yep, thats right. quite a twist in plot, huh? bet you didn't see that one coming. Rumors have been floating around that Feedback is going to make an appearance at the next school dance, on October 27th. Who cares if I started them, they're true. I confirmed it this afternoon and we're performing 2, possibly 3 songs off the Feedback album. Yes, good songs, I don't want to hear anybody groaning. We'll be playing "loss of a Moment", "Gone," and possibly "Etcetera," which we'll be performing at the Pops concert at whitesboro High on November 1st. Well, be there. trust me. I'm gonna run now. By the way, we were gonna play some songs during the band "Nameless'" show last night, yet for some strange reason, Neither me or Jim showed up. Freaky huh? I wonder what Wilson thinks, since we told him we'd be there. I'm sure he was. Steve had to work. This isn't news, this is just things to bore you with. So if you're smart, you'll pick up the phone and dial down the center. But don't touch that dial yet...It just doesn't make any sense. I'm leaving now. Be good. Feed your dog... FB

October 16, 2001
Ok, once again, no news. Oh ya, I found out some stuff about that show saturday. We play at 11am til 2pm. we get paid too. It should be nice. I think it's supposed to be outside, and I think it's gonna be cold. I'm wearing a coat. We possibly have an appearance on the 27th, but I have to confirm it with the person in charge. You know how on like, the Tonight show, you got a band at the end play a song? Ya, it's gonna be like that, and I bet you'll all be there. You better, trust me. once I tell you where it is anyway. Cuz otherwise you won't know and won't show up. Yep. There ya go, thats the news. Oh ya, I think I'm gonna get fitted for contact lenses again, cuz I'm sick of lookin ugly all the time. girls don't like me. oh well. see you all at the show (actually it isn't bloody likely you'll show up cuz you never do). Be good. Clean the fridge... FB

October 14, 2001
Well, back from Potsdam. I really didn't know people my age could sing that well. Now that I know what 6 hour rehearsals are, I'm a lot less upset about spending 45 minutes in A'capella. Feedback has a show saturday. Where? MVCC in rome. you'll find it. Just head through Griffis. Ya. Some DJ's got our CD. If you're at a dance or something with the "Music Doctors" as the DJ's, ask em to give our disc a spin. The personal favorite's are Etcetera and Loss of a Moment. Not much else breaking news. I punched a desk and hurt my knuckles a little. thats all. oh ya, and my drink isn't cold anymore, so my throats a little dry. anything else you'd care to know? No? Go figure. ByeBye, love each other... FB

October 11, 2001
Hey all, no news today, I'm leaving for Potsdam in 20 minutes and the bell is gonna ring. Just in case you don't know, we're doing daily news now. If you want to see yesterdays news (Stop Living in the past!) click the link before. Behave yourselves. Don't Sleep with kristen. j/k.... FB

October 10, 2001
Hey everyone. Not much going on here. Well, sorta. Instaid of me sitting around and pretending to work on the site, The news is going daily, so now you get extra editions of the boring updates by me, Mike Peek: Most annoying man in the world. Lets see Wilson match that with his once every other week news posts. hehe. We got a show coming up, yeah. October 20th at MVCC something-or-other. I'm not sure what it is. I don't think anyone does. but we'll find out. I never know whats going on. I'm leaving tommorrow for Crane school of music for an honors chorus competition, and I haven't looked at my sheet music once in 4 weeks. The way the few of us going see it is, we have a 5 hour bus trip for that. But I guess everything is ok. We're selling the cd now, it's doing pretty good. There won't be a second album if the first doesn't sell well, so yeah. buy it. really. it's good, i swear. Anyway, see you tommorrow. Be good... FB

October 4, 2001
Um, Yeah
Hey everyone, you missed the show. I'm pretty sure you did. If you didn't, good job. We played at our CD release party last night to celebrate what?...obviously the realease of our first full length album self titled: Feedback. Great show, full house, even sold a few albums. If you made it, hope you liked it. if not, be at the next show please. we'll let you know when it is. Be cool.

September 27, 2001
Caught up in events
Well it's been a while since I got off my lazy ass, and updated this site. doesn't anyone else agree with me? well since the last update, will has finished the new flash site, to check that out go to the main page and select the giant Feedback logo in the center. We finished the CD in August and have sat around doing nothing since. well, not really. we had the cd sent away to be made, covers and traycards and cd labels...oh my! (lol, bananna in oz). Meanwhile in the rest of the world, I'm proud to be an American after the attacks on the World Trade Center. The way the world has come together since is amazing, and we will overcome. Feedback will be having it's CD release party on Wednesday, October 3rd at Virgobat & Leophrog's Place at 100 Genessee st. In Utica. Show will be from 8pm til 11pm, and if everyone could please refrain from leaving the show to go to peepers... anyway, see you all there. rockon!

August 12, 2001
Feedback: The Album!
We've been in the studio since Wednesday the 8th, and so far, we have all 10 tracks from the feedback album laid down with the bass and drums. Most of the rhythm guitar tracks are down as well. Jim and I will be putting down the lead tracks and Vocal tracks next week and the cd should be released by monday the 20th. There will be 2 different cd covers. The two feedback mascots "Perverted Joe" the monkey and "Harry Feedback" (which nobody really knows what he is)will appear on 2 separate covers. There are also a few interesting studio stories to tell of such as "The seizure phone," Racing Buicks, a moment we had to push Wills car up Albany St, a few times Will almost crashed and killed us all on the way there, and a few other interesting stories that will appear in the next issue of the Feedback band Newsletter, and possibly in a future news article. Wish us luck on the album, because it will definitely be worth it. The total cost to us is over $2000 dollars, to you it's only $8 per CD, and the first 20 customers get a copy of the orginal demo CD to compare it to! Don't wait, have your money ready!

June 30, 2001
Virgobat & Leophrog...
We played at Virgobat & Leophrog's coffeehouse on wednesday the 27th, for some, we played our best show yet, but every new show seems to be the best yet. I wasn't personally impressed. we forgot to take breaks, got tired and didn't play too well halfway through, and wound up starting over at the beginning of the playlist. OIf you like hearing the same songs twice, thats ok. Next time we'll be more ready for this kind of thing. So far there's no more bookings, so if you know of anywhere who's interested in having us, e-mail us.

Ramblewood Block Party

St. Peters Concert

June 24, 2001
Been too long yet again!
Well now that schools over, I'm ungrounded for the summer, so I can update this damn site. I have some stuff to say. We played the New Hartford Battle of the bands: We kicked ass! We played the St. Peters Festival: We kicked ass again! We played the Ramblewood Block party: Did good enough for not getting paid... Played Mattstock: Where was everybody? oh well. It's looking to be a fun summer. We're playing at Virgobat's with Stereocycle on Wednesday the 27th, so that should be fun. We have a new song out called "Etcetera," which is a cool rock song. Jim Debut's his vocals on that song, which will appear on the upcoming album that we'll be recording in early August. Well thats all for now, I'll get back as soon as we do the show.

MVCC Spring Fling

May 7, 2001
Been too long!
It's been too long since the last update, so here's one now. We just played the MVCC show 2 days ago, and it kicked ass! Possibly, no, definitely our best show to date! they want us back in the fall. a concert organizer wants to set us up opening for larger bands all summer long, thats a lotta paying shows! whatever we make is going toward our debut album: Feedback. next show is in 2 weeks, May 19th at the st. peters festival: noon to 2:30pm. look forward to a great show. Gotta run, don't miss it!

March 26, 2001
Well, news I guess...
We had an audition for MVCC's Spring Fling on Saturday, and as far as we know, we got the job! This is possibly one of the biggest shows Feedback is booked for this summer. It’s pretty big news. In other news, Feedback might play at another surprise party within the next month, so look for that. Well that’s all we have for now. Keep checking for updates...

March 20, 2001
Well, news I guess...
Nothing really interesting going on. Wait, nevermind! there is! We now know when 3 of our upcoming shows are. The first to date is a "Mystery" to the public, so we can't really talk about it...but thats on April 23. The second is Father Tom Durant's 25th Anniversary celibration, on April 29. The third is the St. Peters Festival on May 19th. The rest are coming. The Pops Concert and Battle of the Bands are in May, and the Field Days is in June... also we're going to be playing at Virgobat & Leophrog in April or May, so keep an eye out for it. Thats about all, we'll keep ya posted.

February 7, 2001
New Site look!
The new flash site is up and running, thanks to drummer Will "Willson" Browar. New pictures have been added every now and then, including photos from last few shows, practices, and interviews. Soon to arrive is the feedback studio sessions photos. See what the recording studio looks like, and feedback holding on for the ride. We're starting to plan our tour with stereo-cycle, and our feedback tour on top of that. should be interesting. We booked the studio for august 23 through 29th. The full legnth feedback self titled debut album will be released in stores and on the site in September of 2001 if we're lucky and can raise two grand by then. more news to come later.

January 11, 2001
Happy New Year!
Well, the near year is here, and so is Feedback's first newspaper publication. IN the month of January, Feedback is appearing in the Scholastic News, Central New Yorks school newspaper. To see the article click Here. Anyway, We're planning our first cd, which will be recorded this summer at Gecko Studios. Steve Got a new Crate BX-100 amplifier, and is buying a new bass. Jim got a Marshall Bluesbreaker 2 pedal, I got a Dunlop Crybaby wah pedal, and Will got a double bass pedal, so look for a new sound to the addition of Feedbacks talent. The new Tour page is up, click it from any location on the site to view the 2001 concert schedule. thats all for now. Peace everyone!

Recording Studio

November 26, 2000
It's been a while, but we made it. We Found a new name for the band, "Feedback." Also, we cut our first demo album at Gecko Studios in Frankfort, NY. Produced by Lyman Christensen, this demo has been selling like crazy. The summers shows are just around the corner with the start of a new year approaching. The "We're better than we were last year" Tour is expected to be a good one. More news later. Peace everyone!

August 12, 2000
DTP Shunned!
Well, we played at our show in Frankfort, NY and it was ok except for one thing... Almost everybody hated us! They only liked hip-hop music and didn't like Whitesboro kids. Performance-wise, it was our best show to date. Other than that, I had a great time at the party, and would again, like to thank Vanessa for putting it on. We don't have any more currently scheduled shows, so unless somethin comes up, just keep lookin for us.

August 4, 2000
Power Sound
Good news! Jim and I have bought new amps! I bought a Crate 2x12 and Jim got a Peavy 2x12. Great sounding too. We've used em for practice so far, and they're soundin ready for DTP shows. We got one comin up on the 12th, so wish us luck.

July 17, 2000
Batson Blasts!
Well, we played at Jon Batsons Party, and for once the cops didn't show up! We were so happy. Performance wise, however, we didn't do so well. Jim didn't rent a half stack and plugged into the PA instaid, so it sounded all distorted. Then I pretty much blew my amplifier, so it was a big loss. We did get paid for this show, so it wasn't a total disaster. I'll get back with more news soon.

July 16, 2000
Disturbing the Peace is disturbed
I was cruisin the net, lookin for our site on a search engine and discovered there was another band in St. Louis named "Disturbing the Peace." Normally I wouldn't care, but they have the name trademarked (bad news for us). Now we must undergo another name change. We're probably gonna keep the initials DTP, so I'll get back with the latest soon enough.

June 28, 2000
Live from Matts Backyard is a Smash!
Matt Grafmullers Party was probably the best concert we've had yet! attendance was good, nobody sucked too much, and the people actually moshed! it was great! he's already planning a party for next year: Mattstock! We're already invited. If you need to know the details, Look for Aol Screen name: Maarcool

Block Party Concert

June 12, 2000
Block Party And the cops return
We had our concert at the Ramblewood Block Party on the 10th. It was ok, none of us sucked too bad, but there was an astounding number of little kids and old people. Where the hell were all the teenagers?! what a dried up town. While we were performing, the same stupid old B**ch as before called the cops again, this time dialling 911. What kind of idiot calls 911 for a noise disturbance? Anyway we have a record going, Disturbing the Peace all the time, everytime!

May 30, 2000
Falls of the Neuse Falls!
I was just given word that the band Falls of the Neuse won't be opening for us at our concerts this summer (for reasons that you'll have to ask them about). I have been told that our good friend Dustin (of Falls of the Neuse) has another band that will be opening for us. I'll give you more on the story later.

St. Peters Concert

May 21, 2000
St. Peters Stormed
The St. peters Family festival was our first concert. it would have been huge.... If it hadn't rained all day, hadn't been 45 degrees, and the equipment worked right. A few people showed up, I think they liked us. Next show oughta be better.

May 16, 2000
Name Change!
Ok, so a lot of things happened this last month. First, it's official: the band once called ATOMIX (Utica) is now called: Disturbing The Peace. We thought of the name when a police officer told us to turn the amps down and to play quieter. On the 20th we had our first concert. It was awesome. All those things that I mentioned above (pics, song lyrics, mp3's), I'll get those up soon.

April 27, 2000
Site Is Up!
Hey, this is the Official ATOMIX WebSite. Some of the links might not work but I'll fix that soon. Some of the things you'll find here are band pics, song lyrics, and mp3's of our songs. Also check out the Message board.