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Mike without his stage makeup on
Mike Peek

Mike Peek, The frontman of the band, formed Feedback in October of 1999, then known as "Atomix." He first started to play guitar in December of 1997, and has been an avid learner since. He's always loved being onstage, further aiding his decision to form a rock band. As the main songwriter of the group, Mike chooses various subjects to write about, such as Life, love, loss, and his own opinions. Serious, yet knowing when to have a good time, Mike tries his best to put on a good show for his crowd, and enjoys doing so.

"I think that all life is like music...Make it beautiful and keep it real. Sometimes even the best ideas can be heard in your head before you even know what they are. Stay true to what you believe in, and don't change who you are or what you do to stay on top, otherwise it ins't worth getting there to begin with."