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Mail Archives

Dear WSC,

I am fully suporting the Brain-Nye ticket for presedent. Not only are they the best candidates on this web site, they are better candidates then Bush and Gore. Here's why. 1. Brain is neither Right wing or left wing, he is a mouse, he has a tail. 2. If someones got to take over the world better a mouse than psycic gypsies or martians from the moon. 3. Brain is never pondering where to find a duck and a hose, wearing rubber pants, or marrying Regis Philbin. 4. Both Brain and Nye have cool theme songs. 5. Who better as a vice president than some one that can turn a song about the soul into a song about sole (you know, the fish). 6. They're not dead, they don't use words like narf, and they don't block harmless internet sites on school computers. (Death to Bess!!!!!) And the list goes on and on and on (like the energizer bunny). So vote for Brain!

From, A Politicaly Conciencus Citizen

Dear A Politically Consciences Citizen:

For future reference, the word is “President”, not “presedent”, “someones” is not a word, the word “martians” should be capitalized and “Politicaly Conciencus” should be spelled Politically Consciences. I do think you were very good at observing that Brain has a tail. After weeks of studying the biographical information of our candidates, we never noticed that. Thanks for your insight and independent research into the matter. Brain and Bill Nye do have cool theme songs, but so do the Pinky-Announcer ticket and the Marvin-Alf ticket. However, your third point disturbed us. Due to this, we have recommended a psychiatrist for you and a rubber room. Thanks for the mail!

Signed (Conspiratorially),


Dear World's Stupidest Conspiracies,

I have a question about your website. In one of your conspiracies, you refer to an expletive that is deleted. Can you tell me what it is?


Short and Confused

Dear Short and Confused,

In an effort to keep the site "family-friendly", I can not reveal what the word in question is. However, I can tell you this much. It rhymes with "Warner". Thanks for writing!

Signed (Conspiratorally)


Subj: **Announcing the new SALE section in the Buyers Club**

Date: 5/31/00 6:14:21 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: (Sandbox Buyers Club)

Reply-to: (Sandbox Webmaster)


Get your baseball stuff here while supplies last! I'm talking about dugout jackets, replica jerseys, gray tees and they are all on SALE!! That's right, the baseball season is in full swing and the Sandbox Buyers Club is celebrating by offering great deals on our baseball apparel. Whether you have season tickets or a couch potato, if you are a baseball fan, you will want to check out the Buyers Club Baseball section. It's a sure hit!"

Maybe baseball isn't your thing! Well, we have some great deals on NFL, NCAA and NASCAR items in the store too! Check it out!

St Louis Cardinals Dugout Jacket Official MLB 2000 Dugout Jacket -- only $89.95 This jacket is being worn by all the players, managers and coaches this season. Designed with full chest team name in script, secondary team color shoulder ribbing and front pockets. Check out our selection, while supplies last!

MLB Home Replica Jersey - only $69.95 Dress like the players in this Home Replica Jersey. This button-front jersey comes in the team authentic full chest tackle twill design and trim. While supplies last!

MLB Authentic gray tees are on sale now! Grab a tee in time for the next day game! Only $14.95!

**Idiocy Deleted to Save Space**

Dear Complete Moron,

It's is obvious that you have e-mailed the wrong website. Here at World's Stupidest Conspiracies, we are dedicated to posting and showing others information about these important conspiracies. Thanks for writing!

Signed (Conspiratorally),

