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Biography Questionnaire

Dan Gott Memorial

Welcome to the Cazenovia, NY Class of 1996

Make sure we have your most current biography!


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Dear Cazenovia Class of 1996,

                Since high school we have done so much.  Many of us have gone onto college, gotten married, had children, and have experienced exciting adventures.  This year, we celebrate our ten year reunion. Our reunion will be held on November 24, 2006.  Please contact us for more information.

                We have experienced a lot of joy and sorrow these past ten years, and I hope that we can come together to reunite as a class.  This class is great because most of us spent thirteen years together, starting from Kindergarten through Senior year.  Everyone who came to our class along the way, has become a member of this family.  We all know that high school is a special time... who am I kidding?  It was crazy!  We all have our own stories, but in the end, we had those stories together. 

                Liz and I hope to get in touch with all of you.  Please join the yahoo group on this page, sign the guestbook, and submit a biography.  We hope to see you all this year, when school will be in session again!

Yours Truly,

Courtney Fay


~Make Sure to Check in with Us~

  1. View and Sign Our Guestbook

  2. Email me at: to make sure we have your contact information, and you have the reunion information.

  3. Check out the bio page, and submit one for yourself! Click HERE to fill out a bio questionnaire, and it will be created for you shortly!



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