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Masonic Youth WebPage Appreciation Award!!!

Erika Hansen (Jr. Past State Representative for the Order of Triangles, Inc.) started a wonderful award called the Masonic Youth WebPage Appreciation Award. This award is given to the Websites of different Masonic Groups for having orginal and interesting Websites for their own group. Alice M. Scardefield is proud to be one of the first three recipiants of this award. The award was also given to Uncle Sam Chapter, Order of DeMolay and Fides Triangle #4. Below is a link to the informational page for this award, so you can learn more about it and what the requirments are to win this award. Alice M. would like to thank the panel of judges for thinking highly of our Website. We hope that this will inspire more Masonic Youth Groups to make their own Websites, now that they know people see them!

The Masonic Youth WebPage Appreciation Award!

Here is the informational page for the MYWAA!!