Insanity Is Only The Beginning

About Me.
Sleep. Lots. of. sleep.
My horse!
Mozzerella sticks
ranch dressing.
Going home and sleeping in.
Leapfrog, twister, and pumpkins.

Alarm Clocks.
"whatty whatty"
Spiders & Cobwebs
Coffee Ice Cream.
Italian Salad Dressing
Ppl touching my elbow(s).
Alarm clocks.
8 AM classes
Mushrooms (fungus)
Guys (hey, ya never know..

A&J- you guys will always be my best friends. You have been there for me through so much, and all i give you is crap compared to that. You are my everything...
Sid- I'm sorry you're upset, and i know you won't read this but oh well, so, i hope it's not at me and if it is then i am truly and honestly sorry for whatever i may have said/done. I didn't try to piss you off... sorry i haven't been to social since i've been home...
'laina- You rock. Dont diss yourself because things go wrong dude, it happens to the best (and worst) of us. You're only human, which is a good thing to know once in a while, eh? You rule...
To everyone else who wont ever read this, i won't forget you because i went away, i mean, how could I? and if you really think that then i guess you didnt know me at all...

Book....... Redwall, the his dark materials trilogy....
Website (next to this)
Color.....Blue or Green
Clothes...... GGD t-shirt, and my "10" jeans, my Mo'ville "eq" sweatshirt, and my ratty old sneaks i hide so Ma wont throw em away, and if i'm having issues with my hair, my harrisburg hat...
Spot...... Out back by the creek, where i can think and no one can bother me.
Food.......Chicken Tacos from Mustangs, or mozzerella sticks
Drink.......Irish Cream Crappachino or Code Red
'fraid of bridges.*shudder*, dunno why but they freak me out..

Fave Quotes.
"and she wonders where these dreams go, cuz the world got in her way, what's the point in even trying, nothings changing anyways."- Goo Goo Dolls.
"twenty four hours on an empty brain"- sugarcult bouncin off the walls again.
"We know what we are, but not what we may be"- Shakespeare.

More About Me.
I'm thoroughly disenchanted with all aspects of my life (translation- life sucks.) at the moment, and a lot of people i know are either really confusing me or just plain pissing me off. I'm losing patience real fast for a few people and who knows maybe i'll stop being nice for once in my life and give them the kick in the ass they deserve... Don't judge me, or think you know me, just because we grab a bite occasionally or have classes together. It takes a bit more than that to be able to read me there sparky.
Dont tell me what to do. Dont ask me to do something more than once. The more i am told to do something the less i want to do it. Therefore, dont. Oh yeah, and if you want me to respond (other than kickin ur ass) don't call me Nelly or Stew. Sorry Richard, didnt mean to jump all over ya bout that, bad memories, you know how it is...

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