Our Quotes


"If I wasn't awake, I'd think I was sleeping."

"You think I'm weird? Hey,you're the one talking to me."

"What doesn't kill me only lets me suffer longer."

"I'm only putting up with you for the sake of my grade."

"Texas is not a state. Since when has it been a state? It just kinda included itself in the US and no one told it to leave."

"We should return Lousiana to Canada...but do you think they'd come and get it?"

"Um, Its not working. I broke it. I broke the Internet." Kelly

"After all is said and done...I'm still insane."

"We must make the obvious even clearer."

"There are no hamsters, only gerbils in disguise."

"Kirby is the first pokemon."

"Created is such a strong word...more like vomited up from lunch." Allie

"You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same." Skoot

"It is easier to stand against something than for it. Challenge yourself, stand up for what you believe in."

"Live only so that you can look any man in the eye and tell them to go to hell."

"Man with hand in pocket feel cocky all day"- Aincent Chinese proverb.

"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups" - Egyptian Heir. (thankies!)

"If i put your brain on the head of a pin, it would look like a pea on an interstate highway"- Adam Cook.

"Dont Eat Rocks" - Slizz.

"Like an Angel with no sense of mercy"- Spazz.

"Seduce that thing"- Aine.

"I have been reduced to a potato"- Spud aka Eccog alais Sid.


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