our quotes of the day

"Knock it"
"The one thing you need to be sure of, is that you are doing what you are doing because you love it."- my horoscope
"It must be a thursday," said Arthur to himself, head hanging, to his beer,"i never could get the hang of thursdays"- I forgot! it wasnt me tho!
"If you were me, and i was you, would you still look at me, as if you understood? and if you did, would i know, if you could?"- skoot.

I'd rather be a could-be if I cannot be an are; because a could-be is a maybe who is reaching for a star. I'd rather be a has-been than a might-have-been, by far; for a might have-been has never been, but a has was once an are.

"my ice pop has melted."
"Vregg and Grinny are wierd" (dont ask. u really dont want to know. i SAID dont! no. lol. stop it. now. *walks away* hah, not gonna tell ya!

"sleep tight little voice of the new damned, another drop in the tidal wave of quick-sand." - Wallflowers.
"i have drawn blood from the neckline, when vampires, were in fashion. I'd even learn to cut my throat if i thought i could fit in." - Wallflowers.

4/20/01- "I havent beent here lagves" -it means, i have no idea.
"E" - now means "hey".- Scoot.

The world bothers me, we're all pulled in several directions, the pressure is always there. We are the proverbial chickens without heads, we are always on the run.

"And it wont take long to burn, all eyes on me, through the nothing that you've learned, all eyes on me" - Goo Goo Dolls. Holy but this fits my life for the past weeks.
I hate stupid people. Thats not a quote, but, its a statement that should be made. Lemme rephrase that. I hate people who choose to be stupid, cuz thats the only kind of stupid that is stupid. Make sense? -Skoot.

"dont you love the life you kill"- Goo Goo Dolls.
"love is like a puzzle and the pieces dont fit, there aint nothing you can do about it, so move on." -B&D (dont ask, just accept it.)

"I started out clean but i'm jaded" - Bent.
"Yakass, get ur yakass here!" - Becky.

a quote of the day from jim-
"this ground is not the rock i thought it to be" - tool

"it rolls! so thats what wheels are for!"
"the key to speaking french is to pretend ur nauseous"
"what? we're leaving? but we haven't gotten there yet. oh, we passed through there days ago? damn. i didn't even realize" - Elora

"i don't block people out. i just don't invite them in." - Elora
"What's the point in even trying, nothings changing anyways."- (Goo Goo Dolls, Acoustic #3.) *shrugs* it fits my mood. Skoot.

"it lives in my locker, therefore its my spanish book." - Elora

"tomorrow...whats that? oh the day after today? so yesterday is gone? damn. that changes everything." - Elora

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