
Want to use the hottest search platform on the Web, then try ours? We also offer hundreds of free software downloads, and free technical support as well. CRCS has a users group, an international club, and a PC workshop. Our page building group meet once a week, on Saturday, from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. New York time, or 17:00:00 hours, London time, for those on the GMT Standard. And we also have an International Chat Club that meets in the same facility from 1:00 p.m. New York time, or 18:00 hours, London time, GMT. You can attend these gatherings without obligation. To get there go to the Free Software & Services page and click on the link under Help With Pages named Delphi Club.This site is a great gateway to the Web, so be sure to add it to your book marks, or favorites list. We also teach a free course on computing that will let you exploit the Internet for a change, instead of it taking advantage of you. Why spectate instead when you can participate? We want to help folks get the most out of this environment.

We will be offering a manual shortly that shows readers how to troubleshoot, administrate, and program their own PCs. This manual is called, "Beyond Windows," (The User's Guide To PC Automation). You can take a sneak peek at a few chapters by visiting the Smartville virtual training page,If you don't have time for our course, you can be informed when this work becomes available to the general public by using the e-mail drop you'll find in the town.

This training guide not only unmasks the PC industry as frauds and liars they have become, it gives readers ways around their tricks and traps. It also introduces a new, easy to learn, programming technique that will have you writing powerful applications within less than an hour. They increase the speed and intelligence of any IBM compatible device many times over.

CRCS is a unique site for a number of reasons. It offers something for everyone. Whether you're a surfer, gamer, entrepeneur, or beginner, we offer things that will greatly enhance your Internet experience. Corporations, which we didn't invite into this user created environment, are moving to take it over completely. If you enjoy going from one consumer site to another, go ahead. However you can help to fight back by building a free site of your own. We can show you how to keep the Internet a marketplace filled with ideas and information, but you have to do your part.

We'll be offering an advanced course sometime in the future, for a nominal fee, but going beyond our free basic training isn't a requirement.Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn't. There are still many caring people on-line willing to help others, we show you where they are. This site is dedicated to spreading computer literacy, Don't be afraid to sign up for our course, or to join any of our facilities. There are never strings attached at CRCS. This isn't a corporate site out to get your money, but rather a group of friends from around the world. We urge you to read the material on the Smartville page, even if you don't plan to join us. It's very important. You can get to our virtual text book by clicking on the link to the right. To visit the other sites, user the "Go To" feature found there also. If you just want to thumb through our pages, click on the Site Map link below this section to use the inter-active table of contents.

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Want to download Shockwave, & Flash player, and play a game that's a blast from the past? Anybody remember Atari Space Invaders? This parody will bring back memories.

Spaced Invaders

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