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Navi Says


What does Navi have to say..

Baby Dongdongo -  " Watch out for its leaping attack! It will explode after it is defeated"

Beamos                -  " Watch out for its searching beam! I bet it doesn't like somke in its eye"

Big Skulltula        - " Its soft belly is it's weakness"

Blue Tektite        - " It's hard to beat in the water, try to lure it onto the land"

Business Scrub   - " If you get close to it, it will hide in the grass"

Deku Baba 1       - " Though it looks withered, it will hurt you if you touch it"

Deku Baba 2       - "Hit it when it lungs at you, and it will stand upright. Cut it quickly to get a Deku Stick"

Deku Scrub          - " It will hide in the grass if you get too close to it. Bounce the nuts it spits back at it"

Dondongo             - " Watch out for its fiery breath! Use Z targeting techniques"

Gohma                  - " Its one of the parasitic monsters inside the Deku Tree! Its eye is vunerable when red!"

Gohma egg           - " When this hatches, a Gohma Larva will be born"

Gohma Larva      - " Look out when it gets ready to pounce"

Guay                    - " Destroy it before it flies into you"

Keese                  - " When you get close to it, use Z targeting. Even if it Flies away, you can still target it"

Poe 1                   - " If you stare at it with Z targeting, it will disappear..."

Poe 2                   - " This Poe doesn't disappear even it you stare at it. I doesn't spook easily, does it..."

Red Tektite        - " Look onto it as it jumps with Z targeting!"

ReDead              - " His gaze will paralyze you. If it bites you tap any button to escape"

Skullwalltula       - " Be careful not to touch it"