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Webster's Definitions


Pronunciation: gr&-'tü-&-tE, Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural - ities Date: 1540 something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially : TIP


Function: noun Date: 1755 : a gift or a sum of money tendered for a service performed or anticipated : GRATUITY

Parking Attendant- If you care enough about your car, tip generously to the attendant handling it. As a rule, you can give an attendant up to $3 dollars. If you have a yeshivish car, simply tell the attendant to scrounge around under and between the seats for his tip. Otherwise, if you don't care much about your car or what will be going on in the girl's head, circle the block 30 times, find a spot, and park it on the street.

Waiter/Waitress- One typically gives 15% of the bill. 20% If it is a 4 star restaurant (as if anyone is going to take a girl to one of those on the first few dates) You may leave this tip on the table before you leave, however, I find it much easier and less stressful to simply add this tip on to the bill. If you should go the latter way, just remember to look as if you are racking your brains out trying to figure out how much to tip your waiter so as not to hint to the girl that you are C'V planning on leaving without tipping.