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Our Christmas Donation 1999

May you have the Spirit of Christmas
which is Peace,

the Gladness of Christmas
which is Hope,

and the Heart of Christmas
which is Love

The FESCO Family Crisis Shelter

Our Christmas Donation this year was
voted on by the members and it was
decided that we would make our donation
to a Battered Womens and Childrens shelter.
Our Donation was made on December 20,1999
to the Fesco Family Emergency Shelter in
Hayward, California.

The donation was made by me (Cari) and
some of our younger members. The members
that came along with me were JoshuaPKL
and StNicholas my sons, Josh and
Nick who are eight and
four years old and other members
Christmas, Kelsey and Brandon who are
also eight years old.

Here is a picture of Joshua, Kelsey
Brandon, Nicholas and Joshua with some
of the beanies for the donation.

I have to say that I think that this
experience was very educational for
all of the children. It made them
realize that not everyone has what they
have. It also made them realize that
not all families are happy. This is an
unfortunate thing but I think that they
all appreciated their families just a
bit more after the experience. I know that
my children did. We talked a lot about
the donation and the unfortunate children
and families that were in this situation.

More pictures of the beanies and the kids.
Can you tell they like beanies...
especially on their

I do have to say thought that I don't think
that I could have done it all without them.
All four of them helped me count the beanies
and plush toys, organize them and put
them all in their cute little sleeping
bags and their handmade outfits that
we so generously donated to us by
by Luvbears, Sue. They had so
much fun deciding which outfit whould go
on which beanie and which sleeping bag
matched with each beanie. I bet you didn't
know this but it is a real

Here is Joshua showing off the beautiful
sleeping bags.

So finally the day arrives and we have
5 boxes of assorted beanies and plush
toys for the donation. They were all
carefully placed in their boxes until
photo time came...then they were all
over the

In all we had 62 beanies, 42 beanie
baby puzzle cards and 27 small plush toys
(teenie beenies, pooh and Precious
Moments). We had 28 handmade sleeping
bags and 17 beanie outfits.

Here is a picture of all of the beanies
We donated to the shelter.

There were 25 children in the shelter when
we made our delivery so that meant that
each child could have more then one
toy. Any extra they had they were going
to save for birthdays as this is a
time when gifts are really needed but
they are not available.

I wish that we were able to see the children
and the look on their faces when they
opened their stockings on Christmas
to see their new beanies. The thought
of the smiles in their faces are enough
for me though.

All of the kids in front of the shelter.
Yes, My children are in shorts and yes,
It was December in We
do have cold weather here though...really.

When we arrived at the shelter we weren't
allowed to go upstairs to see the
families to protect them but we did get a
tour of the downstairs and we got
got to meet the director of the shelter
Marilyn Harry. Marilyn was so grateful
and gave all of the children big hugs
and took a picture with them by the
shelters Christmas tree.

Joshua, Kelsey and Brandon with Marilyn the
Director of the shelter in front of their
Christmas Tree. (Nicholas was playing shy)

I hope to next Christmas some of our
other members are able to share
the wonderful experience of making
a donation.

How could we forget our Fat, Fat cat
The kids wanted to make sure he made it
onto the donation

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