I CAN'T BELIEVE GE CAN BE SO STUPID! Unless you've been hibernating in the far reaches of the Adirondack Mountains for the last twenty years, or so; you're probably aware of the controversy involving upstate corporate giant GENERAL ELECTRIC and the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY. GENERAL ELECTRIC, one of the largest corporations in the world, and at one time the economic engine which powered the New York State Capital District, more specifically Schenectady-Niskayuna; manufactured everything from giant steam turbines to ceramic electrical capacitors, and lent their name to everyday household appliances from AM-FM Radios to Hotpoint Washer & Dryer combinations. During their century's old occupation of the Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys, they raped the ecological sub-system which had served as the home for thousands of assorted mammals, fish, and other flora and fauna along the two mighty rivers. Like a giant war-machine poised for plunder, they took all, and gave back little. Nothing was, or is, sacred in their quest to garner all the wealth ever earned by the working men, women, and children that inhabit this now dying planet we call Earth. In recent years, they have shown a tendency to back-pedal, and attempts to justify their decades-old behavior are at best comical. SOMEBODY at some point, finally decided it was time to hold these big corporations responsible for their actions. Thus, the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY was born. During the 1970's, the EPA sued GE for their cavalier dumping of PCB's throughout the Upstate New York area. These highly toxic, carcinogenic chemicals used in the manufacture of many of GE's products, had been dumped whenever, and wherever the company decided. The resultant damage was staggering. Virtually all waterways in the upstate regions of New York were contaminated with extremely high levels of contamination. The fish were uneatable and in many cases, species approached the endangered status. The water itself became highly toxic, requiring expensive and extensive, purification and treatment before human consumption could be approved. And at every level of the delicate food chain, damage was rampant. Whether GENERAL ELECTRIC knew of the dangers when the dumping began in the early part of the last century, is not known. However, they certainly became aware of the problems as Medical Science discovered links between the PCB's and various forms of cancer. Evidence would prove that people living around and near, the dumping and manufacturing areas, were shown to have an extremely accelerated incidence for cancer. Of course, GE immediately took exception to this and began a Public Relations campaign to battle the charges. This campaign continues even to this day, with a series of insulting telvision commercials aimed at the General Public purporting the Hudson River has "cleansed itself" of the highly dangerous chemicals. Whereby the levels appear lower than when measured in the 1970's, GE has missed the point, or is deliberatly misleading the public as to the signifigance of these statistics. Their claim that dredging the river would be too costly, and might possibly spread their contaminates to still further sites is a blatant, out and out lie. GENERAL ELECTRIC seems loathe to accept it's responsibility for the clean-up of our eco-system.