Dr. Alan Chartok, I am deeply troubled with President Clinton's late night pardoning of Marc Rich (Don't you just love the irony of his name?) and Pinkus Greene. As a staunch supporter of Mr. Clinton during his entire administration, I find it disconcerting that he would mar an otherwise exemplary record (discounting his sexual dalliances, and lack of candor on the subject, of course), with such an idiotic decision. I watched with great interest, C-SPAN's live broadcast of the House Government Reform Committee's hearing into the controversy, and the subsequent "oral gymnastics" of various parties involved, including ex-Clinton White House Counsel Jack Quinn (now representing Mr. Rich), Representative Dan Burton the committee Chairman, Representative Connie Morella, and former Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder. Even Rudy Guilianni managed to get a mention. A loud "Bravo!", by the way, to Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton, the Democrat from the District of Columbia, for her insight, and rationality in a room filled with mean-spirited vultures and other legal vermin. I was unfamiliar with her before, but I look forward to her public spirited profile in the future. On the one hand, the Conservative Republican camp seems only interested in skewering "Wild Bill" still further into their historic version of the PCB-laden Upper Hudson, while their normal Democratic adversaries, want to "dredge-up" the old political stand-by of "passing the buck". Whether Clinton made a wise decision while exiting the Director's chair in this "Movie of the Week" is at best, dubious. What really troubles me, is the manner in which our government responds. Why has our government reduced itself to debate over the micro- scopic details of "inferred speech" and verbal linguistics? When "Wild Bill" tried to justify his lie about the dalliance with Monica, by slicing thin, the potential understanding of an intransient verb, the backlash was monumental. I, too, laughed at the absurdity of his arguement. I am no longer laughing. "I say tomato, and you say tomatoe." It seems this is "business as usual" in DC-eitville. This hearing, for the most part, was filled with the same kind of justifiable rhetoric. Apparently the purpose of our duly-elected officials is to ignore common sense, and fill our ears with beauracratic double-talk, understandable only to Orwellian lawyers, with a goal of adding to, and sustaining their already amply-feathered nests. (They shall make so many laws that no one can obey them, and then they shall rule by fear. - Paradigm of the American Bar, as paraphrased from Ayn Rand.) "Maybe I said this, maybe I said that, I have feelings (This from a lawyer?), I can't remember, I meant something totally different, but (fill in the blank) said, blah-blah-blah, lah-di-dah, what is fugitivity, he said, she said, I misspoke, ummm, uh, ah..., neutral but leaning towards it, yes, or no?" Every testimonial seemed rehearsed and "speech-written". Each witness seemed walking on egg-shells, strewn methodically through a well- mapped mine field. They seemed to be making a film, with cue cards supplied by Hollywood's best. It occured to me the pardons might have been payment for services rendered. I wondered, were Rich and Greene, agents provacoteur, like Cinematic James Bonds, receiving their "License to Kill"? Prime Minister Barok of Israel was a vocal supporter of these suspicious "citizens of the world". Did they perhaps trade with foreign enemies in order to gain confidences? I wonder, were they involved in the Reagan/Carter debacle? Were they trading with the Ayotollah to keep his hostages a few months later, so Reagan could take credit for the work of Democratic President Jimmy Carter? Was Oliver North behind this as well? Did they participate in the assasination of JFK? Perhaps they know where Amelia Erhardt is? (Korean Jet tragedy 007, hmmm!) Is it more than a coincidence, that these men chose to engage in illegal trade with only enemies of the United States? Cuba, Iran, Iraq, the former Soviet Union, Libya, South Africa, etc. It would seem more profitible to trade with bastions of Capitalism, such as England, France, Holland, Canada, Australia, Israel, etc. The more they talked, the more the fantasy grew. In the grand tradition of the OSS, the CIA, the NSA, and Agent 86 from CONTROL, the Machiavellian machinations of our Foreign Policy became increasingly clear. I can see it now. Vice-President Elect Dick Cheney, acting on behalf of George Bush Senior, still secretely heading the CIA and the International Brotherhood of Free Masonry (They, of course, were collectively known as "Jack the Ripper"!), blackmails Bill Clinton, with pictures of his tryst with the "Spice Girls". Fearing the final wrath of Hillary, standing tall atop Mount Marcy, Bill succumbs to the GOP with their usual "dirty tricks", and rewards these great American Patriots, with celebrity status. In the meantime... GENERAL ELECTRIC HAS PURCHASED THIS SPACE TO POINT OUT THE IDIOCY OF THE EPA. KNOWING THAT WE, AS A WARM, LOVING, CARING BASTION OF HONESTY AND MORAL TERPITUDE, ARE DEDICATED TO SERVING NEW YORK STATE WITH THE SAME CONSISTANT, AND CHARITABLE MANNER THAT WE ALWAYS HAVE. TRUST US. WE KNOW WHATS BEST FOR YOU. THAT'S WHY WE USED PCB'S IN THE FIRST PLACE. WE PUT THE "GE" BACK IN GEE-WHIZ! And now back to our upcoming movie trailer... Dah dah de dah, de dah dah...BANG! "NEVER SAY PARDON, AGAIN!" Starring Marc Rich as the new 007! Love theme sung by "The Spice Girls" and the latest find from DC-eitville, "Denise Rich" as "Lotta Baloney", the Femme Fatale. Thrill to exciting chase scenes as the evil "Papa Ratzi" descend to the lowest dregs of human behavior, in their quest for next year's Emmy! Watch closely as two heavily-armed teams of lawyers, battle to the death within the Halls of Justice! Will Jack Quinn stumble over the next gerund? Can Representative Shay get a straight answer? Will Eric Holder get an acting contract with United Artists? Is this the end of "RICO"? ...Please forgive my spelling, Dr. Chartok. I thought this might amuse you...Incidently, you were absolutely right in your characterization of teachers and doctors. As to the Medical employment crisis, if the MD's stopped into the office once in a while, and traded their golf clubs for stethoscopes, the nursing staff might be free to do their job, instead of the physicians. You are welcome to quote me if so desired. Wayne Brown 2/08/2001 1B 16 Mallory Street Corinth, New York 12822 (518)654-9697