"NIGHT OF THE COMET CURSER" Wayne \"The Wizard of Odd\" Brown wrote: TIM, I'VE DISCOVERED A VERY SERIOUS PROBLEM EMANATING FROM ONE OF YOUR SPONSORS. TWICE NOW AFTER PLAYING THE GAME, I HAVE BEEN "ATTACKED" BY A SERVICE WHICH I HAVE NO DESIRE TO EMPLOY. THIS SO-CALLED "SERVICE" IS EXTREMELY IRRITATING AND GIVES ME SPECIFIC PROBLEMS DUE TO MY NEUROLOGICAL INFIRMITIES. THE SERVICE IS CALLED "MY COMET CURSOR" AND ARRIVES MUCH LIKE A "TROJAN HORSE VIRUS". I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THE LINK COMES FROM, EXCEPT THAT I ALWAYS GET IT FROM PLAYING YOUR GAME. IT IS EXTREMELY DIFFICULT TO DELETE AND I AM EXTREMELY IRRITATED. THEY SEEM TO BE PATTERNED AFTER UNSOLICITED TELECOMMUNICATORS, WHICH ARE NOW ILLEGAL IN NEW YORK, WHERE I RESIDE. I SENT THEM AN ACERBIC, ANGRY LETTER AND I PLAN ON CONTACTING ELLIOT SPITZER THE ATTORNEY GENERAL ON MONDAY. I'M AFRAID IF YOU DO NOT GET RID OF THEM, I WILL CEASE PLAYING YOUR GAMES, AND SUGGEST THE SAME TO MY MANY READERS. JUST THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: Janet To: Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 1:07 PM Subject: Re: Wayne, Thank you for your email concerning the problem with the Comet Cursor sponsor on Lotto4Cash.com. We are trying to pinpoint the problem, and eliminate it. We tracked down one such sponsor about 2 weeks ago, and got rid of them, but evidently another of them has snuck in. We're working on it, and apologize for the inconvenience and irritation that it has caused you. We at Varcon Systems, Inc. have recently acquired Lotto4Cash.com, and are working hard to maintain the high standards set by Tim Whitney, the previous owner. It is unfortunate that some of our sponsors choose to employ such irritating tactics. Thank you for your patience as we try to track it down. If you have any further concerns, please let us know, and we will try to resolve them. Thank you, Janet Mika President Varcon Systems, Inc. Bringing you the best in free games, cash and prizes. http://www.Lotto4Cash.com/ http://www.BingoStop.com/ http://www.TicketGames.com/ http://www.StopAndPlay.com http://www.Klongo.com/ TIM, I'VE TRACKED THE "MY COMET CURSOR" TO TODAY'S MYSTERY SPONSOR. HIS SITE ID IS #459, AND HIS URL IS: http://www.kiethjamesmartin.com THANKS. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html THANK-YOU JANET. THE SITE IN QUESTION WAS OWNED BY ONE KIETH MARTIN, AND I'VE BEEN FIGHTING WITH HIM ALL MORNING OVER THIS. HE SEEMS TO THINK IT WAS WITHIN HIS RIGHTS TO ENGAGE IN THIS NONSENSE. I'VE GOTTEN VERY ANGRY WITH HIM AND FRANKLY I'VE HAD ENOUGH. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: Keith Martin To: WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 9:30 AM Subject: one more thing I did not know that comet cursor was coming up asking it to be installed or linked to from my end (from what I could tell you are give a choice to say no), I have taken it off my page but for you to assume I created or promote or make money from this is absurd. You need to contact comet cursor about the issue and file you complaints with them. I hope you are more considerate of them in trying to resolve the issue then you where with me, I'm tired of people like you who go immediately on the attack of someone without the facts. Keith Martin YOUR INSTALLATION OF "MY COMET CURSOR" INSTALLS ITSELF. IT DOES NOT "ASK TO BE INSTALLED"! IT WORKS JUST LIKE A TROJAN HORSE VIRUS. THAT'S THE PROBLEM. IF IT HAD PROMPTED ME, I WOULDN'T CARE LESS. REMEMBER, YOUR WEB PAGE HOSTS THIS CRAP, WHETHER YOU OWN IT OR NOT, AND IT ATTACKED MINE WHILE I WAS SURFING A "MYSTERY SITE" AT LOTTO4CASH. IT WAS YOUR SITE THAT INSTALLED THE APP, SO I DON'T SEE HOW YOU CAN DENY RESPONSIBILITY. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: Keith Martin To: WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 9:16 AM Subject: jerk get it right I do not own comet cursor or do I promote them. If you have a problem with them email them not me. Grow up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK A**HOLE! YOUR SITE PROMOTES THIS F**KING PROBLEM! YOU INSTALLED IT ON YOUR WEB PAGE! YOU SHOULD INVESTIGATE THE CRAP YOU PROMOTE! SO, F**K YOU, A**HOLE! Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown From: Keith Martin To: Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 1:22 PM Subject: Grow up You are not worth an answer with the kind of language you use. I do not promote comet cursor, if you can't understand that then you will just have to deal with it. I have never had any complaints from anyone else, but I did remove the cursor program from my site and forwarded your two letters to comet cursor to let them deal with the issue since it seems you don't want to. Leave your language and attitude with someone else, it seems now a days people have no respect for others, don't listen to what others say and use vulgar language as an attack (I wonder who the real virus is) to try to hurt others and get a point across. TALK ABOUT RESPECT FOR OTHER PEOPLE! YOU SEEM TO FORGET YOUR "3RD PARTY" PROGRAM INVADED ME, NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND! I HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO COMPLAIN WHEN SOMEONE INVADES MY PC. IF YOU DO NOT WANT COMPLAINTS, THEN I SUGGEST IN THE FUTURE, YOU INVESTIGATE ANYTHING YOU PROMOTE (AND BY THE WAY, BY ALLOWING "MY COMET CURSOR" ON YOUR SITE, YOU ARE PROMOTING THEM!), AND BASE YOUR DECISION OF PLACING IT, ON COMMON COURTESY AND NOT PROFIT! YOUR CAVALIER ATTITUDE TOWARD THOSE OF US ONLINE IS REPREHENSIBLE. BY THE WAY, I THANK YOU FOR FORWARDING MY COMPLAINTS TO "MY COMET CURSOR". THIS WAS THE ONE CORRECT THING FOR YOU TO DO. INCIDENTALLY, I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT HAVING A NICE FLASHY BANNER ON YOUR PAGE, WHICH ENABLES POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS THE CHOICE OF "OPTING-IN". THE PROBLEM WITH "MY COMET CURSOR" LIES IN ITS ABILITY TO INSERT ITSELF WITH THE SAME IMPUNITY AS A VIRUS. SOME PEOPLE LIKE THIS STUFF, AND OTHERS DO NOT. I HAVE SPECIFIC NEUROLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES WHICH MAKE USING MY MOUSE EXTREMELY DIFFICULT. I MAINTAIN A LARGE FOLDER OF WEB PAGES WHICH ALSO CONTAIN AD IMAGES. I INVESTIGATE VERY CAREFULLY, EACH AND EVERY SPONSOR I TAKE ON. I DO NOT ALLOW ANY DUBIOUS SPONSOR A PLACE IN MY PAGES. THAT IS RESPONSIBILITY! THAT IS RESPECT FOR MY CUSTOMERS AND ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL WHO HAPPENS UPON MY PAGES. AND AS FOR THE LANGUAGE AND ATTITUDE...WELL, I'LL APOLOGIZE FOR THE LANGUAGE, BUT MY ATTITUDE REMAINS THE SAME TO EACH AND EVERY WEB PAGE RAPIST ON THE NET. GOOD DAY... Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html I HAVE A MAJOR COMPLAINT TO PASS ON ABOUT ONE OF YOUR WEB PAGE CLIENTS. THE SITE HAS A PROGRAM, OR APP RUNNING, WHICH AUTOMATICALLY DOWNLOADS TO MY HARD DRIVE, GIVING ME AN ENORMOUS AMOUNT OF PROBLEMS, SIMILAR TO A VIRUS. THE PROGRAM CALLED "MY COMET CURSOR" ENTERS MY PC WITHOUT PERMISSIONS, AND REQUIRES A COMPLETE SHUT-DOWN, DIAGNOSTIC AND CLEAN-UP BEFORE I CAN GET RID OF IT. FRANKLY, I'VE HAD VIRUSES WITH LESS PROBLEMS. THIS IS UNSOLICITED, AND APPARENTLY ATTACHES ITSELF WHILE I AM SURFING A THIRD SITE. I HAVE TRACED THE APP TO YOUR CLIENT AT: http://www.kiethjamesmartin.com I HAVE SEVERE NEUROLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES, AND I HAVE ENOUGH TROUBLE MANIPULATING MY MOUSE WITHOUT THIS COMPLETELY UNSOLICITED AND UNWANTED PROGRAM WHICH ALTERS MY MOUSE POINTERS IN ANNOYING WAYS, THANK-YOU. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html [ Attachment 1.3 Type: text/x-vcard] From: "Homestead Support Wizard" To: "Wayne The.Wizard.of.Odd Brown" <" "@mx1.cdp.adelphia.net> Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:55 AM Subject: Homestead Abuse Team (KMM2008402V26764L0KM) Hello Wayne, Thank you for your message. We are sorry about all the trouble you have had. The only explanation for this is that the browser you are using probably has an unusually low security setting. Please read on: Comet Cursor is an element that requires permission of the user to install, however some browsers have permissions set to automatically allow installation of programs. Here are some informative links regarding Comet Cursor: http://www.langa.com/newsletters/2000/2000-09-07.htm#3 There is information on how to prevent any further unsolicited installations by Comet Cursor (or other programs) at this link: (Please note that none of the above are official partners of Homestead, nor have we done any extensive testing of what they have to offer. Use of their tools and services must be undertaken at your own risk.) Regards, Homestead Abuse Team Homestead Technologies [Case #856324] THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMELY RESPONSE. YOU AT LEAST WERE UNDERSTANDING OF MY PROBLEM. YOUR CLIENT ON THE OTHER HAND, RESPONDED WITH VINEGAR. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: Keith Martin[highalpinelakes@home.com] Date: Monday, May 07, 2001 01:24 PM To: info@cometsystems.com[info@cometsystems.com] Subject: complaint from a visitor Hi, I got a complaint from an individual who went to my website. I have uninstalled comet cursor from my website because of his complaint. I have attached his letters to this email, beware this individual used vulgar language in his complaint to me and seems bent that your program did not prompt him to have it installed. I figure I would let you try to resolve the issue since he seems bent on blaming me for his problem. Keith Martin highalpinelakes@home.com PAULA, THANK YOU FOR YOUR RESPONSE. I AM AN HTML PROGAMMER AND I MAINTAIN A LARGE NUMBER OF WEB PAGES, DESIGNED WITH "PURE HTML". I HAVE A LITTLE BACKGROUND WITH A+, I AM CURRENTLY BUILDING WITH JAVA-SCRIPT, LEARNING C++, AND I CONSIDER MYSELF PRETTY SAVVY WHEN IT COMES TO PC MAINTENANCE. MY SECURITY SETTINGS ARE SET TO LOW AND I HAVE MY SETTINGS ADJUSTED FOR "ALWAYS PROMPT". I HAVE NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAM, OR APP, IN NEARLY FOUR YEARS ON THE WEB. I DON'T THINK IT SHOULD BE NECESSARY FOR ME TO ENDURE YOUR INVASIVE PROGRAM. WHEN I CAME UPON KIETH'S SITE, WHICH BY THE WAY WAS AN AUTO-DIRECT FROM A LOTTO GAME SITE, "MY COMET CURSORS" AUTOMATICALLY INSTALLED ON MY HARD DRIVE. NOWHERE WAS I PROMPTED FOR THIS APP. NOWHERE DID I SEE A BOX PROMPTING ME TO "TRY THIS...". AFTER DISCUSSING THIS WITH HIM VIA HEATED E-MAILS, I MUST ADMIT, HE MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN OF YOUR PROGRAMS "TECHNIQUE". IF THIS IS TRUE, I OWE HIM AN APOLOGY. BACK TO YOU. I REITERATE. "MY COMET CURSORS" INSTALLED ITSELF WITHOUT MY OKAY, PERMISSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, OR ACCEPTANCE. DELETING THE FILES WAS A LONG, LENGTHY PROCESS. SOME OF THE FILES ARE NOT LABELED WITH COMET, OR CURSOR, OR ANYTHING ELSE WHICH IS UNIQUE TO THE APP. ONE SUCH FILE, DOWNLOADS INTO THE WINDOWS/CURSORS/ICONS FILE. ONLY BY OPENING THE .TMP FILE AND READING THIS, DOES ONE ASCERTAIN IT'S SOURCE. I CAN WELL IMAGINE THE FRUSTRATION OF PEOPLE WHO ARE LESS KNOWLEDGEABLE THAN ME. SO AS FAR AS EASILY REMOVING "MY COMET CURSORS" FROM ONE'S DISC, I SAY ********! FURTHERMORE, SURREPTICIOUSLY IMPLANTING ANYTHING IS AT THE LEAST AN UNETHICAL BUINESS PRACTICE, IF NOT DOWN-RIGHT ILLEGAL. WHY DON'T YOU JUST CHANGE YOUR "TECHNIQUE"? I'M SURE THERE ARE PLENTY OF PEOPLE THAT ENJOY THIS SORT OF THING. IT IS BAD ENOUGH THAT WE ARE CONSTANTLY BOMBARDED BY UNSOLICITED POP-UPS. AT LEAST THESE CAN BE DELETED FROM THE PAGE BY "X-ING" THEM OUT. ONE LAST POINT, FOR YEARS THE WEB COMMUNITY HAS BEEN CRITICAL OF INVASIVE, UNREQUESTED ADS. ORIGINALLY THIS "TECHNIQUE" WAS ONLY SEEN ON ADULT SITES. NOW THEY'VE INVADED THE GENERAL WEB, AND WITH A VENOM. DON'T YOU REALIZE THE ETHICAL ARGUMENT HERE? YOUR "MY COMET CURSORS" IS EXACTLY THE SAME AS TELEMARKETING. EXCEPT, I CAN HANG UP ON ONE OF THEM. IN THE NEAR FUTURE YOU WILL BE ABLE TO READ MY "EPINION" OF YOUR RAPIST PRODUCT. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: "Comet Systems" To: "Wayne The Wizard of Odd Brown" Cc: "Keith Martin" Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 2:07 PM Subject: RE: {Comet#048-481} complaint from a visitor Dear Wayne and Keith, Thank you both for writing and providing me with the opportunity to address your concerns. My response will mostly be directed to Wayne as he raised several issues in both his e-mails to Wayne and myself. That said, I apologize in advance for the length of this e-mail. In your e-mail Wayne, you wrote: "THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU HAVE INVADED MY PC WHILE I'VE BEEN SURFING! YOUR PATHETIC, INVASIVE PRODUCT INSERTS ITSELF ONTO MY HARD DRIVE JUST LIKE A TROJAN HORSE VIRUS! THE DIFFERENCE IS I'D HAVE TO OPEN AN ATTACHMENT TO GET A VIRUS! " Although I'm truly sorry that the presence of our software on your computer repeatedly comes as a surprise to you, I must tell you that it is absolutely impossible to install our software, or any other Active X control without asking the user's permission, provided you have not altered your computer's default security settings. If it appeared to do so, it means (at least in all the cases that we have seen to date) that your Internet Explorer security settings are set to some form of "pre-accept". Please give me a chance to explain a little more. Normally when you visit a Website that hosts our technology such as Keith's, an installation window (a Verisign box) will pop up and ask you if you would like to download the software. This window contains a hyperlink to a page which gives a concise description of our product, and contains links to our Website and our privacy policy for users who would like additional details. In addition the installation window's default is set to "no" and you have to explicitly click on "yes" for the software to install. It sounds like you never see this box. If this is the case, you should check your IE security. It is most likely set to "Low". If it is set to "Low" then you have by default accepted any and all software (not just ours) from any Website you visit. I would recommend that you check these settings so that you can prevent "surprises" such as this from occurring in the future. Here are four places where you should check: 1) In IE, under Tools -> Internet Options, Select the Security tab. There will be a slider which changes Security level for this zone. This should be set to Medium or higher. Low will allow downloads without your permission. And 2) In IE, under Tools -> Internet Options, Select the Security tab. There will be a Custom Level button. When you select it there will be a number of radio buttons to select. The top one (Download Signed Active X Controls) should be set to Prompt (not Enable). And 3) In IE, under Tools -> Internet Options, Select the Security tab. There will be a green check with "Trusted Sites" Select that, and then the Sites button. In the Websites field you will be able to see all of the sites you have selected as "Trusted". The site from which you installed may be here. And finally, 4) In IE, under Tools -> Internet Options, Select the Content tab. Click the Publishers button in the Certificates area. Check to be sure that Comet or the site downloaded from are not located here. Again, we truly do not want to force software on anyone. Moreover, we certainly do not want to be the cause of such e-mail wars between a website owner and his/her visitors. If you don't want the Comet Cursor, it can be easily removed using Windows' Add/Remove Programs feature. Simply go to your Start menu --> settings --> control panel --> Add/Remove. Select all entries under "Comet" (a few versions are listed under "The Comet Cursor"). Just a tip for the future -- this is the first place you should check if you ever want to remove any software from your machine. If you have any problems with this method (sometimes people damage the uninstaller by trying to manually delete files) we have also built a cleaner program. Please go to http://www.cometsystems.com/what/cleaner.shtml and follow the instructions. I hope I've addressed this issue to both of your satisfaction. If not, or if either of you have additional questions, or trouble uninstalling, please don't hesitate to contact me directly. Best, Paula Comet Systems THERE IS NO CONFUSION ON MY PART, BUT APPARENTLY THERE IS ON YOURS. YOU DON'T SEEM TO UNDERSTAND WHAT I AM SAYING. ANY INVASIVE PROCEDURE INTO MY PC, OR OTHERS, IS THE SAME THING AS RAPE. INCIDENTALLY, I HAVE A DEGREE AS A MICROSOFT SOFTWARE SPECIALIST. AND I HAVE A CERTAIN SAVVY OF THE WIN-TEL WORLD. IF YOU INSIST ON UPLOADING TOXIC FILES INTO UNSUSPECTING SURFERS, YOU ARE REPREHENSIBLE. I HAVE BEEN PROMPTED BY ACTIVE-X APPLETS AND MANY OTHER APPLICATIONS THROUGHOUT MY DAILY EXCURSIONS ON THE WEB. I ONLY ASK FOR THE OPTION TO CHOOSE WHETHER I WANT TO VIEW, OR NOT. YOU AND YOURS SEEM TO THINK IT'S ALL RIGHT TO INSERT YOUR PEURILE PRODUCT INTO ANYONE'S PC, WHO IS UNLUCKY ENOUGH TO STUMBLE UPON IT WITHOUT GIVING THEM THE OPTION TO SAY "NO". PERHAPS YOUR AFFILIATE REWROTE THE CODE. I DON'T KNOW. WHAT I DO KNOW IS YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING THE BIGGER ISSUE OF INVASION HERE, AND APPARENTLY, I WILL HAVE TO TAKE MY COMPLAINT TO THE AUTHORITIES. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: "Comet Systems" To: "Wayne The Wizard of Odd Brown" Sent: Tuesday, May 08, 2001 10:37 AM Subject: RE: {Comet#048-481} complaint from a visitor Dear Wayne, Thanks for writing back. Two things before I begin--First, I was by no means implying that you were confused. Rather, that there is an obvious confusion between us. Secondly, I also am not drawing into question your knowledge and/or mastery of this subject matter. My goal is to simply show the facts in hopes that they will consequently shed light on our position. You wrote " ANY INVASIVE PROCEDURE INTO MY PC, OR OTHERS, IS THE SAME THING AS RAPE." Although I have certain reservations on commenting on your usage of the word "rape", your point is taken. This is precisely where I feel that the confusion lies. We AGREE with you. Everyone should have full knowledge of what software is being downloaded into their machine. This is why we use Active X controls. As I'm sure you know, when positioned on the default security settings that Microsoft, one will ALWAYS be prompted for Active X software. You continued by writing " PERHAPS YOUR AFFILIATE REWROTE THE CODE. I DON'T KNOW. WHAT I DO KNOW IS YOU ARE NOT ADDRESSING THE BIGGER ISSUE OF INVASION HERE, AND APPARENTLY, I WILL HAVE TO TAKE MY COMPLAINT TO THE AUTHORITIES." I have been in contact with Keith, and have also visited his website, where I was prompted. This leads me to conclude that he has not altered our code in anyway. Moreover, we have yet to encounter a site where our code has been altered. In every single instance of people not being prompted, they have altered their security settings to specifically say "DON'T PROMPT ME." This is their decision and we can not override this. If you are sure that our software is completely uninstalled from your computer, and you have not changed your security settings from your first e-mail, I invite you to try this: Once all of our software has been uninstalled, visit http://www.cometzone.com (a site of ours so you'll know that the code has not been changed by any affiliates.) Are you prompted? If you are, they'll you'll be prompted every time you encounter our code. If you are not, then you have altered your security settings in such a way that your requesting not to be prompted. Please let me know the outcome and I'll do my best to help remedy this situation. Again, I appreciate your taking the time to follow-up. Have a good day. Best, Paula Comet Systems WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html YOU'RE GODDAMN RIGHT I'VE GOT A COMMENT! THIS IS THE SECOND TIME YOU HAVE INVADED MY PC WHILE I'VE BEEN SURFING! YOUR PATHETIC, INVASIVE PRODUCT INSERTS ITSELF ONTO MY HARD DRIVE JUST LIKE A TROJAN HORSE VIRUS! THE DIFFERENCE IS I'D HAVE TO OPEN AN ATTACHMENT TO GET A VIRUS! I LOATHE YOUR PRODUCT! I HAVE NEUROLOGICAL DIFFICULTIES AND I HAVE ENOUGH TROUBLE NAVIGATING MY MOUSE WITHOUT YOUR PIECE OF SHIT DISTRACTIONS! I INITIALLY TOLERATED YOUR INVASION AND BLEW IT OFF TO AN ERROR ON MY PART. NOW I REALIZE THAT YOU ARE PRACTICING AN ILLEGAL AND DECEPTIVE MARKETING TECHNIQUE IN ORDER TO INCREASE YOUR AWARENESS FACTOR! I HAVE NEVER ASKED FOR YOUR PRODUCT! I HAVE NEVER OKAYED INTERCOURSE BETWEEN YOU AND MY PC! I HAVE NEVER CLICKED ON A LINK BELONGING TO YOU! FOR THAT MATTER, UNTIL YOU DECIDED TO ATTACK MY SYSTEM, I HAD NEVER HEARD OF YOU! I FEEL LIKE I'VE BEEN RAPED! I'LL BE REPORTING YOU TO MY STATE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE IN THE MORNING. FURTHERMORE I SHALL BE POSTING A REVIEW OF YOUR PRODUCT IN MY NEWSLETTER WHICH INCIDENTALLY IS READ BY OVER 4,000 SUBSCRIBERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. ...AND PERHAPS ITS TIME I SPOKE WITH MY LAWYERS... Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html From: "Comet Systems" To: "Wayne The Wizard of Odd Brown" Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 4:37 PM Subject: RE: {Comet#048-481} complaint from a visitor Dear Wayne, Thanks for writing back. However, there still seems to be some confusion here. You wrote " MY SECURITY SETTINGS ARE SET TO LOW AND I HAVE MY SETTINGS ADJUSTED FOR "ALWAYS PROMPT". I HAVE NEVER HAD A PROBLEM WITH ANY OTHER PROGRAM, OR APP, IN NEARLY FOUR YEARS ON THE WEB... REITERATE. "MY COMET CURSORS" INSTALLED ITSELF WITHOUT MY OKAY, PERMISSION, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, OR ACCEPTANCE. The only way you would not have been prompted is if you have proactively gone into your security settings and altered them from the default that Microsoft specifies, as it is technically impossible for you to not be prompted otherwise. If you have done so, (which you admitted that you have by placing them on low) then you have in essence told your computer " DO NOT PROMPT ME." So while I completely understand your desire to have a choice, you made a choice in selecting this security specification. Unfortunately, we can not override that. This is precisely one of the reasons that we are so insistent that users keep their default settings. We completely recognize and agree that you should always have a say in what is being installed in your computer. You also implied that we are the only software that has "auto-installed" on your computer. Unfortunately, if you are not prompted for our software, then you won't be prompted for any other software that uses Active X controls. There are literally hundreds on the web, the only difference being that you more readily recognize that we're on your computer due to our visible user interface. Other programs will also download without your knowledge at all. You continued by writing "WHY DON'T YOU JUST CHANGE YOUR "TECHNIQUE"? .... IT IS BAD ENOUGH THAT WE ARE CONSTANTLY BOMBARDED BY UNSOLICITED POP-UPS. AT LEAST THESE CAN BE DELETED FROM THE PAGE BY "X-ING" THEM OUT. " Changing our software will only provide a band-aid solution to this problem. You will still install every piece of Active X software that you encounter while surfing the web without being prompted. This is why we suggest remedying the root of the problem. I suspect that you hold a universal concern--you want EVERY program to prompt you. If this is the case, then designing our software to always prompt you will in no way even begin to solve your problem. " SO AS FAR AS EASILY REMOVING "MY COMET CURSORS" FROM ONE'S DISC, I SAY ********! FURTHERMORE, SURREPTICIOUSLY IMPLANTING ANYTHING IS AT THE LEAST AN UNETHICAL BUINESS BUSINESS PRACTICE, IF NOT DOWN-RIGHT ILLEGAL." I again apologize if using Add/Remove programs caused you any problems. We use this precisely because it is designed by Microsoft to completely remove all of our software in a matter of minutes. I hope this has helped to clarify this issue. I truly regret that you've formed these negative impressions of our software and company. If there's anything else I can do to help this situation, don't hesitate to let me know. Best, Paula Comet Systems I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF THIS. I HAVE EVEN GONE SO FAR AS TO RESET MY SECURITY SETTINGS TO "DEFAULT", AND YOU KNOW WHAT? IT TOOK ME THIRTY PROMPTS JUST TO GET TO YOUR SITE. YOU'RE RIGHT. I HAVE RESET MY SECURITY SETTINGS. I'D HAVE TO BE A NUTS, NOT TO. BY THE WAY, WITH HIGHER SECURITY SETTINGS, MY PC PROMPTS ME FOR EVERY SINGLE JAVA APP, ANIMATIONS, ETC. IT DOES NOT PROMPT ME FOR ANYTHING BY NAME. FOR EXAMPLE: DO YOU TRUST "MY COMET CURSORS"? IF I DIDN'T CHANGE MY SETTINGS, I WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SURF AT ALL. HOWEVER, AS I EXPLAINED TO YOUR PEA-SIZED BRAIN AT LEAST THREE TIMES NOW, YOUR APPLETS ARE NOT JUST A BENIGN VISUAL EXPERIENCE WHICH CAN BE CLICKED OUT OF. YOUR PRODUCT SAMPLE "RAPES", (I.E. ...SEIZING BY FORCE, WEBSTER'S DICTIONARY 1986), MY HARD DRIVE AND I DO NOT HAVE THE OPTION OF "OPTING IN". I VIEW ACTIVE X APPS ALL OF THE TIME, AND YOURS IS THE ONLY ONE I HAVE EVER HAD DOWNLOAD PERMANENTLY ONTO MY HARD DRIVE. MOST (READ ALL BUT YOURS), ACTIVE X APPS SUPPLY THE VIEWER WITH A SMALL USEFUL SAMPLE, OR SERVICE, AND DISAPPEAR AFTER VIEWING. THEY MAY TELL YOU WHAT TIME IT IS IN SOME OTHER PART OF THE WORLD, OR RUN A SMALL ANIMATION TO TRY TO SELL YOU SOMETHING, OR PLAY A LITTLE WAV FILE, OR EVEN SUPPLY ONE WITH A COLORFUL LINK TO A FORM. AT WORSE, THEY MAY BE ANNOYING. YOURS INSTALLS UPON THE UNWARY SURFER'S HARD DRIVE, ALTERING THE CURSORS AND INSERTING ITSELF IN MULTIPLE FILES. IN CASE YOU'VE NEVER HEARD, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT A VIRUS DOES! WHY ARE YOU NOT LISTENING TO ME? I'VE BEEN FAR MORE COURTEOUS TO YOU THAN I WAS TO KEITH. DO I HAVE TO SCREAM PROFANITIES AT YOU UNTIL YOU LISTEN? YOUR PRODUCT IS NOTHING MORE THAN A BENIGN VIRUS! EITHER RE-WRITE THE CODE SO IT PROMPTS ON ALL SECURITY SETTINGS, OR ELIMINATE IT! WHEN MY SETTINGS WERE AT LOW SECURITY, I NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM AFTER SURFING 10-12 HOURS A DAY ACROSS HUNDREDS OF SITES. ONLY AT KEITH'S SITE WITH YOUR PRODUCT DO I HAVE THIS PROBLEM. FURTHERMORE, YOU NEED TO TAKE A CRASH COURSE IN ETHICS! I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT YOU THINK IT'S ALRIGHT TO FORCE YOUR PRODUCT ON OTHERS. I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU THINK YOUR PRODUCT CAN BE EASILY REMOVED. I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT REGARDLESS OF ANYONE'S SECURITY SETTINGS, THAT YOU FEEL IT'S OKAY TO SNEAK YOUR PRODUCT IN BENEATH THEIR UNWARY NOSES AND FINALLY, I CANNOT BELIEVE A WOMAN IN THE 21ST CENTURY DOESN'T KNOW WHAT THE DEFINITION OF RAPE IS. I HAVE FORWARDED ALL OF THESE MISSIVES TO THE ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE. Wayne "The Wizard of Odd" Brown WZARDOFODD@adelphia.net http://www.angelfire.com/ny2/wzardofodd/index.html