Our Story

In 1993, pornography viewing in California had declined steadily for years, so pornography producers from all over the state banded together to do something about it.
The research that followed revealed some very interesting insights. First, people know just about all they need to know about sex. It's fun, comes in gallons and is good for you. Second you can't substitute any other image for pornography when you're horny and want to whack off. And most importantly, people notice porn most when they suddenly run out of it.
Thus was born an advertising campaign of poor souls bereft of porn at the most painful and inconvenient times. For "Heaven", we built a completely white set the size of a small city block in which one young man discovers that two teen 'angels' aren't all that heavenly. For "Baby and Cat", in which an out-of-porn Dad contemplates stealing from his preteen son, the girl was actually two girls. We used identical twins so that one baby could sleep while her sister... Well, you'll see. In "Body Cast", one unfortunate actor had to spend a very long day inside a steaming sorority!

We've taken shots of hooters the size of pie plates. We've stood by while an actor priest trashed a vending machine. We've watched in agony as dozens of actors repeatedly ate tons of bananas, hot dogs, popsicles and other phallic-looking foodstuffs(they usually spat them out after each "take").

Has it worked? Indeed. The decline in porn sales has been halted. But beyond sales, GOT PORN? has become part of the American vernacular. People like Cosby, Roseanne, Rosie and Leno have done GOT PORN? comedy skits. We've even heard from consumers that their kids come into the kitchen, (coughcoughmumble) in hand, asking for a "magazine of got porn?"

Many thanks for your support of the campaign. And please check your email. Right now would be fine.

"LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This web site is a parody, and is therefore protected under U.S. copyright law. All original content is copyright 2002 by Kia."

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