
(lovely picture courtesy of Kia's Artistic Skills)

Mar. 1
--Dismember a Snowman Day--
"Quick! Quick! Before Winter ends!"

Mar. 2
--Low Self-Esteem Promotion Day--
"Combat Complacency!"

Mar. 3
--National Italics Day!--
"It's slanty!"

Mar. 4
--Mornington Crescent Day!--
"[catching rat]"

Mar. 5
--Paperclip Day!--
"'s the tipsy woman and the bear again."

Mar. 6
--Illicit Handshake Day!--
"It was an act of God."

Mar. 7
--Ampersand Appreciation Day--
"Behold: the beautiful curves, the wonderful twists...(and I'm saving space!)"

Mar. 8
--A celebration!--
"eight! eight eight eight eight eight!"

Mar. 9
--Microsoft Day--
"Heil Gatesler!"

Mar. 10
--Filler Day!--
"...only twenty-one more days to go!"

Mar. 11
--National CD Day!--
"In the days before MP3s..."

International Cheese Week Begins!

Mar. 12 Day!--

Mar. 13
--Foam Cheese-hat Day!--
"Cheesehead® is a registered trademark of Foamation, Inc."

Mar. 14
--International Cheddar Day!--
"Hooray for the most widely purchased and eaten cheese in the world!"

Mar. 15
--Coagulation Day--
"...because it's just such a darn cool word!"

Mar. 16
--Avaxtskyr Cheese Day!--
"The Icelandic cheese with a fat content of only 10%!"

Mar. 17
--Kill a Leprechaun Day!--
"...with CHEESE!"

Mar. 18
--Bishop Kennedy Cheese Day!--
"...smooth and velvety, with a spicy finish. When the cheese is mature, it almost runs and virtually hums with flavor!"

Mar. 19
--Toasted Cheese Controversy Day--
"You be the judge."

End International Cheese Week!

(And no "cheesy" jokes!)

Mar. 91
--We Can't Count Day!--
"The evidence is piling up, but we deny all charges."

Mar. 21
--Illegal Substances Appreciation Day!--
"(Kia and MCD are currently too stoned to think up a quote. Dude-- check out the flying hamsters!)"

Mar. 22
--March 22nd--
"This day brought to you by Arthur the Killer Bunny"

Mar. 23
--Insignficance Day--
"Do not draw attention to yourselves. Those around you are hearing only a 70's disco medley."

Mar. 24
--Apathy Day--
"We'd think up a quote, but we just don't care."

Mar. 25
--Prevent Terrorism Day!--
"Stop! Drop! Terrorism must stop!"

Mar. 26
--Paisley Appreciation Day--
"Welcome to the Wonderful World of Amebas!"

Mar. 27
--Degu Day--
"...Has anyone else noticed how similar the words "degu" and "drugs" are?"

Mar. 28
--Flatulence Awareness Day--
"Contrary to popular belief, random flatulence is in no way humorous. It is a serious problem, which, if left untreated, will cause massive global warming. Also, it's just plain smelly."

Mar. 29
--National Alliteration Day--
"Slyly syndicated serpents!."

Mar. 30
--Smiley Day--

Mar. 31
--The End of the Oddysey--
"Phew! We don't have to think of any more days for another two months!"

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