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Drummers who deserve to be recognized
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ToDaY's DaTe
EViL STiCK FiGuReS!! VeRY CooL (well, at least i think so)
Upcoming Show Dates (TAINT, Utopia Banished, Offkey 17, Self-Riot)
Letters To An Evil Santa!
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Click Here to Download an MP3 that my freind Charlie made, It's a spoof of "Come On Eileen" about Pikachu. Click Here To Listen To it.
(Note: Listening to it requires you download Cresendo from my site, if u do not have Cresendo a message will pop up asking if you would like to download it.)

The OFFICIAL O.S.S. Website, check it out

The Official O.C.D. Website . Check it out, these guys are really good. You also might want to check out a Death Metal band called Ankhelgloknar. Both Bands are on Organ Grinder Records .


You Are a Goth!

You're so gothically outrageous, and you aren't afraid to flaunt it.
Whether you dress up like Robert Smith or a tragic Little Bo Peep,
chances are that you'll be parading around with the rest of the goths at Yoyogi Park on Sunday.
Don't forget your white makeup and blue lipstick! Who knows?
You may just get picked up by one of the seedy photographers.

What's *Your* Japanese Subculture?
