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Persephone's Realm -- The Shop for the Urbane Pagan

Welcome to Persephone's Realm, the shop for the urbane pagan!

By following the links below and making purchases of pagan-oriented items, you will help support this site

I've created these virtual storefronts in conjunction with and CafePress and CafePress handle all order fulfillment and customer service

I do not

Persephone's Realm is split into different storefronts/departments -- the Vstore site (all kinds of goodies for pagans) and the CafePress site (various UnCoven items)

Please make sure to bookmark THIS page, NOT any of the stores themselves, since their locations may change

Within the Vstore site, click on Persephone's Picks for items of particular interest to pagans

Vstore is supposed to enhance its available product lines soon, at which point I may be able to offer more

You can also browse the pages below with links to certain items or do a search under pagan, tarot, astrology or occult within the Vstore

You can browse in the occult book section by following the links in this order:

Home > Books > Family & Lifestyle > Personal Lifestyle > Religion >Ritual & Practices > Cult, Demonism & the Occult

Celtic mythology and music can be found under Irish Gifts

Hand drums can be found in Enabling the Muses under Persephone's Picks or by following the links in this order: Home > Books, Movies, Music > Musical Instruments

Camping gear & other items useful for attending gatherings can be found in Gathering Gear under Persephone's Picks

Products of Interest to Pagans

Divination and tarot card sets
Drums and other noisemakers
Movies and videos

Browse Through the Departments of Persephone's Realm

Persephone's Realm -- The Shop for the Urbane Pagan (books, music and gifts of all kinds)
The UnCoven Department of Persephone's Realm (items with TUCOTS logo)

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Email Persephone Yavanna the Entwife, UnInitiated UnHighPriestess of the UnCoven of the Solitaries