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Movies and Videos of Interest to Pagans

Sam Neill / DVD / Not Rated / 1998

Bell, Book and Candle
James Stewart / VHS / Not Rated / 1958

The Craft
Fairuza Balk / DVD / R / 1996

Practical Magic
Sandra Bullock / DVD / PG-13 / 1998

Sorceress (French)
Tcheky Karyo / VHS / Not Rated / 1988

The Wicker Man
Edward Woodward / VHS / R / 1973

Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Angela Lansbury / VHS / G / 1971

I Married a Witch
Fredric March / VHS / Not Rated / 1942

Day of Wrath - Foreign Film Version
VHS / Not Rated / 1943

Intimate Portrait - Witches
VHS / Not Rated / 1998

The Worst Witch
Diana Rigg / VHS / Not Rated / 1986

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