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Troop News Letter

Febuary - March 2000
Febuary- This Month's Campout was the Winter Klondike. Each Troop was made up in to patrols of 6-8 Boys. Then where sent out with a Sled, a Pole, and other items such as, a Scout Handbook, and First Aid Kit. These Patrol where sent out for to get as many Stations Completed Correct through out the park. The Boys Pulled the Sleds and also had to complete the course with a time. Limit set on each teams. Troop 41 had a Court of Honor which reconized all of the scouts who had recieved merit badges, special rewards, the Honor Scout, and a leader who just completed his wood badge. All Scouts did a Great Job. Congradulations!!!!!

March- The campout for March will be at Camp Gorton the Northern part of Five Rivers Council's Summer Camp. We will go there put in a few service hours for the Ranger and then have fun and work on merit badges the rest of the day. Find out about APRIL SOON!!!!