Oggie, the radioactive sea serpent residing in Onondaga Lake, has remained the mascot of Troop 400 and its Scouts for over twenty years. What has kept Oggie alive for so long, and what exactly is he? To find out, Troop 400 welcomes you to read, 'The Legend of Oggie':

In the Summer of 1972, a young Cubscout, after returning home to Syracuse from Summer Camp, was eager to show his parents his new pet. While his Den was in the extensive swamps of Camp Woodland, he had found a small salamander crawling under a rotten log. The boy was happy to give it a home.

His parents, however, were not. One night, after the boy had gone to sleep, his father snuck into his room, and retrieved the cardboard box that held the boy's pet salamander. He tip-toed to the bathroom, and flushed the Salamander down the toilet. Through the bubbles, the small Salamander saw the father waving him goodbye.

After a 13-hour wild ride through the septic facilities of Syracuse, the baby Salamander was spit out a sewege pipe to feel the cool waters of Onondaga Lake. It was a sunny day, with Allied Chemical's tall smoke stacks lingering high overhead. As the Salamander sank to the bottom, he noticed a coating of mercury and other liquid elements over the bottom of the lake. When his feet plunged into the strange solution, they stuck, and some of it bubbled up into tiny bouncing spheroids. Then he noticed the metalic liquid slowly creeping up his legs and onto his back. With most of his body engulfed in it, he squeeled in fear, and then it was over his face, pulling him into oblivian.

Years past, and in 1977, people began to notice strange activity in the Lake. Every now and then, someone would see a tail flash up out of the water, only to quickly dissapear again. Unfortunately, there were never any photographs or video footage of the creature. It was not until Troop 400 was on an outing in Onondaga Lake Park when it finally decided to show itself. The Dragon was affectionately named Oggie by the Scouts of Troop 400, and special bonds were made. After that, Oggie became as much a part of Troop 400 as any Scout in the Troop.

Little did they know, that this Magical Dragon was the tiny Salamander flushed down the toilet so many years ago. The mercury at the bottom of the lake combined with various other chemicals and transformed the Salamander into a radioactive sea serpent with mystical powers.

Due to the love that his Scouts showed for him, Oggie made it his duty to personally guide each Scout of Troop 400 on the Trail to Eagle. Though he might not always be able to be with them in body, he would always guide them in spirit.

Then, in the year of 1981, Troop 400 folded. Oggie was devastated, and retreated back into the depths of Onondaga Lake, anxiously awaiting the inevidible return of his Boy Scout Troop.

In 1996, Troop 400 was re-initiated, and Oggie came forth from the Lake. To this day he remains the guiding factor in each of Scout of Troop 400's Trail to Eagle.

This is 'The Legend of Oggie' that has been passed down through Troop 400 since it's beginnings. There is more to The Legend, and a deeper meaning to Oggie, but only those Scouts of Troop 400 are privileged to hear it.

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