Cognitive Psychology Resources
by Todd Allen Joseph



1) Cogprints: Cognitive Sciences EPrint Archive-


            This web site is useful for those searching for research articles in Cognition. Some of the articles have been previously published, but many of them are still unpublished. This is a good resource to use when searching for additional information that isn't available in the published literature.

            This site combines articles from many areas; including psychology, computer science, anthropology, linguistics, etc. The site has a search function to help you find what you are looking for. If you just want to browse articles, you can do that too.


2) Imagination, Mental Imagery, Consciousness, and Cognition-


            This web site is devoted to the study of imagery, imagination, and consciousness. It has several good discussions about the science of consciousness. It is a scientific based discussion of resources and theories that have been proposed. It is also heavily influenced by philosophy.

            Check the many links that are presented on this site. They will allow you access to several articles and conference presentations regarding this material. If you read all of them, you will have an excellent background on the issues in this field.


3) Marky Lloyd's Careers in Psychology Page-


            This site is aimed at explaining the uses and value of a psychology degree. There are sections explaining what can be done with each type of psychology degree (e.g. BA, MA, PhD). There are sections on jobs in psychology, graduate school, and many other areas. This is geared toward helping undergraduates choose goals for their education. It also aims to help students find out what they need to do in order to achieve those goals.


4) APA Style Essentials-


            This site is an outline of the requirements of APA style. APA style is the formatting style used by psychology and many other disciplines for publication submission. This site gives a good, short outline of matters such as headings, citations, and quotations. It covers all of the basics of APA style. It is a good reference tool.


5) APA Style Guide: 5th Edition-


            This site deals exclusively with writing the references/works cited page of an APA paper. It goes into great detail over the correct uses of APA style in this section. Examples are given for every type of reference in the APA handbook.


6) Psychology Departments on the Web-


            This site is a fairly comprehensive list of links to psychology department websites throughout the world. The departments are listed alphabetically by university/college name. This is an especially good resource if you are interested in finding out about graduate schools of psychology.


7) Amoebaweb: Psychology on the Web-


            This is a "megalist" site. They list hundreds of psychology related links on this site. The home page is organized according to area of psychology (e.g. cognitive). By clicking on your area of interest, you will be sent to a page containing links pertinent to that area of psychology. This is a good resource for finding large numbers of other resources fairly quickly.


8) PsychExperiments: Psychology Experiments on the Internet-


            This site allows students to participate in online experiments. It also allows students (and instructors) to create online experiments and collect data. The site also allows students to see demonstrations of experiments without having to have data collected.


9) Understanding Experimental Psychology-


            This site is actually an activity that you can do to learn more about experimental psychology. The site covers essential terms (through a link), ethics, and types of experiments. These are good resources, especially if you need a quick review. It makes references to particular texts, but they are not necessary to benefit from this website.


10) Psychological Research on the Net-


            This is a site that links to many online psychology experiments. It is broken up by area of concentration. There are also featured experiments. The links usually provide you with information pertaining to the study and its background. A good resource if you are interested in finding out what it is like to participate in a psychological experiment. There are also links to additional psychology related sites at the bottom of the page.


11) Psychology 247: Cognitive Psychology-


            This is a site aimed at Cognitive Psychology students of Erwin Segal at Buffalo. There are descriptions of many of the Cognitive Psychology Phenomena. On the calendar, there are links to particular topics of interest. An overview of each is given on the linked page. Some of it is in more detail than is necessary for undergraduates, but it is a good resource nonetheless. An example of how another instructor organizes his website.


12) Todd Joseph's Cognitive Psychology Resources-


            This is my personal site. It has information particularly for my students. It also has many practice exams from which anyone studying Cognitive Psychology might benefit from. There are slides from in class presentations, assignments, and occasionally interesting articles or chapters will be posted.


13) VARK- A Guide to Learning Styles-


This site is aimed at helping students learn about their personal learning "styles". It has an online inventory you can take as well as information about study techniques that suit your personal learning style. It is also helpful for instructors who wish to get an idea about how their students learn.