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Alpha/Chakras Stimulation Meditation

This meditation has a twofold purpose: it will bring you into the alpha state and stimulate your chakras simultaneously.

After taking ten deep breaths, visualize yourself standing in a place that is peaceful to you, with your feet on the physical earth. See a bright white ray of light coming from deep within the earth and passing through the soles of your feet into your body. This ray of light rises through your legs to the base of your spine, where it pauses and stimulates your Root Chakra, which is red. See this chakra glow brightly, radiating its red light, growing clear and pure in color. You feel yourself becoming grounded as this happens.

The ray then travels up to your second chakra, the Sacral Chakra, which is orange. See this chakra grow brightly, clear and pure. As this happens, you feel an increase in your vital energies.

The light travels up to your Solar Plexus Chakra, which is yellow. This chakra grows bright, clear and pure. You feel your sense of self and personal power grow stronger as this happens.

The light then travels up to your Heart Chakra, which is green. It stimulates the chakra, which grows clear, bright and pure. You feel this chakra radiating love as this happens.

The ray then travels up to your Throat Chakra, which is blue. This chakra grows bright, pure and clear. You feel yourself ready to communicate and express your creativity and thoughts as this happens.

The ray of light then travels up to your Third eye Chakra, which is indigo in color, and stimulates it, causing this chakra to grow bright, pure and clear. As this happens, you feel your psychic centers open, and you feel a psychic awareness of those you love.

The ray then travels up to your Crown Chakra, which is purple. The light stimulates this chakra as well and this chakra becomes bright, clear and pure. You feel a strong connection to the higher power as this happens.

The light then passes through the crown chakra and out into the Universe, and you realize that you have become a conduit for the light, which connects the Earth and the Universe. From here, you can follow the chakra balancing meditation below if you wish, (Just skip the first few steps) or move on to any other endeavor you want to.

The Pink Star Meditation - For self-esteem.

Sit or lie down, relax and go into Alpha. Visualize a beam of brilliant white light entering your body through the soles of your feet and traveling through the rest of your body, exiting through the top of your head. See yourself exiting your body from the top of your head as a passenger on the petals of a silver lotus blossom that is headed for outer space. See yourself going far into space, leaving our solar system, traveling very fast. Take note of other planets and asteroids as you pass by. Feel the solar wind as you travel through a binary star system. It should feel real. Soon, far in the distance, you will see a tiny, bright pink star. As you get closer to it, you can feel waves of self esteem wash over you. The lotus blossom takes you directly into the core of the now large star and stops. You are inundated with healing, loving energy. It restores your self worth, confidence and self respect. You take it into yourself and it fills you to the point of manifesting itself as large, flowing wings. Bask in this for as long as you like. Once you feel you have been restored, take a double handful of the pink energy and see the lotus blossom taking you back to your body. You will see the planets and asteroids you observed earlier in reverse. See yourself re-entering your body through the top of your head. Before you come out of Alpha, think o f two people who you think could use some self-esteem. Visualize yourself placing the pink energy you took from the star on their Solar Plexus, and see their body/mind absorbing that energy. Then come out of Alpha or choose another task.

I find that this meditation can be modified to bring different results. For example, you could substitute a green star, which would be for balance. You would feel yourself totally grounded when you are done. While you are within the star, you would feel yourself being inundated by peace and calm. You could use a blue star for communication, a purple star for healing, an indigo star for intuition, a yellow star for happiness, a white star for positive energy, a red star for dynamic energy, and a gold or orange star for prosperity. There is also an associative variation that could affect how you use this. For example, I suggested purple for healing, because when I was learning about auras I discovered that the color for healing in a person's aura was purple. Some people visualize green as the healing color. I suggest that you use whatever color you associate with the result you are trying to achieve.

Chakra Balancing - Self Explanatory.

When you feel that you're in a state of imbalance you may find it helpful to do this fairly quick meditation. Perform the preliminary steps for meditating and visualize a brilliant ray of white light entering your body through the soles of your feet, like in the above meditation. This time, instead of exiting as a silver lotus blossom, it will remain a beam of light. You can think of your body as a channel that the light is passing through, which is exactly the case. As it is passing, it is assisting you in this balancing exercise. As the light travels through your body, see its leading edge pause at and energize each Chakra and move on to the next one. After it has exited, you will realize that although the leading edge is no longer there, your body is still a conduit for that energy, since you have not yet visualized the tail end of the beam exiting your body. Now you should visualize and take note of your Chakras. Be honest with yourself. Does it seem to you that any of them are over- or under-energized? If so, you don't have to DO anything active to alter them. Just leave the channel open for the beam of white light to do its work. After a while, they will find their own levels and correct the imbalance. If you find that there is a severe imbalance, you may find it necessary to "guide" the white light to that Chakra more than the others. When you feel that a balance has been achieved, visualize the tail end of the beam exiting your body through your Crown Chakra. Come out of your meditation as normal, and notice how much better you feel. *NOTE* Do not become obsessed with this imbalance thing. Moods are normal, and determine so many good things in our lives. This meditation is only intended to be used when there is a mood or imbalance that is negatively affecting a person's day to day life. It's perfectly normal to be annoyed because someone jostled you in a crowded place. That doesn't mean you should run home in a panic and balance your chakras! :)

The Egyptian Sun Meditation - for restoring Energy.

This meditation is for those times during your waking hours that you feel low on vital energy. It is a quick, easy way to feel more lively and vibrant. All you need to do is get comfortable, whether in a chair or on a bench, etc. Go into Alpha and visualize a bright golden-white orb of light very much like a miniature Sun about six feet above your head. This orb emits an intense, vitalizing energy. Feel it flowing down into you through the top of your head and settling into your body, filling every cell and neuron, charging your body with energy. Bask in it, feel it working, and after a few minutes you'll be raring to go!
