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Conduit Conduit Conduit Conduit Crown Third Eye Throat Heart Solar Plexus Sacral Root
Copyright 1999 Andrew C. McMillan

Chakra Colors and Properties

Name Color Location Qualities
Root Chakra Red Base of the spine. Grounding energy, connection to the Earth.
Sacral Chakra Orange Just below the navel. Vital and sexual energies.
Solar Plexus Chakra Yellow The Solar Plexus (the bottom of the breast bone). Personal power, ego and personality.
Heart Chakra Green The center of the chest, over the heart. All emotional activities, whether positive or negative.
Throat Chakra Blue The throat, over the larynx. Communication, expression, will.
Third Eye Chakra Indigo The center of the forehead, about an inch above the eyes. Psychic abilities, intuitive reasoning, visual imagery.
Crown Chakra Purple The top of the head. Spiritual and physical connection to the Higher Power and the Universe.
The Conduit Chakras Very pale gray The palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. Giving / receiving Energy. Your dominant hand/foot is the "Projective" one, and your less dominant hand/foot is the "Receptive" one.

Click the arrow buttons below to view my Chakras slideshow.
