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When you are meditating, you will want to be in a relaxed state of mind so that your inner self will be more receptive to the energies and images which you will be visualizing. If you have difficulty relaxing, try this: Sit or lie down and make yourself comfortable. Imagine yourself receiving a gentle massage. Start at your feet and work your way up through the rest of your body all the way up to your scalp. At each area, tell that body part to relax. You may feel a warm, slightly tingling sensation in the part you're working on. When you feel that the body part is relaxed, move on to the next region and repeat the process. Most people feel stress the most in their shoulders, neck and jaw areas, so spend a little more time relaxing these areas, but don't concentrate so hard on it that it creates tension.

Going into Alpha

Alpha is the state of mind in which the majority of psychic activities happen. It is the second most common of the brain's wavelengths; just below the conscious state, which is known as the Beta state. You do not have to be actively meditating or asleep to experience Alpha. In fact, you have almost certainly experienced waking Alpha in the form of daydreams. Alpha is the wavelength in which dreams occur, in which the brain/mind is most open to suggestion and visualization, and it is the wavelength in which true meditation occurs by its very nature. Some people who have been meditating for awhile find that they slip into the Alpha state naturally when they assume their favored meditation position. For beginners, however, it may take a conscious procedure. Here is the method I suggest. It uses very simple imagery, so even those who are not adept at visualization should be able to use it.

Sit or lie down and make yourself comfortable, but not so comfortable that you will fall asleep. If necessary, perform the relaxation exercise as described above. Some people like to visualize a bright white light around them for protection from negativity, which in most cases will ruin a meditation. Once you are ready, take ten slow, deep breaths, inhaling and exhaling fully. Then visualize a blank screen slightly above and in front of your face. "See" on the screen a red number 7. Next, an orange number 6. Then, a yellow number 5, a green number 4, a blue number 3, an indigo number 2 and a purple number 1. When this is done, count backwards from ten down to one. You may want to say to yourself, just for affirmation, something like: "I am now in Alpha, and everything I do will be correct and accurate and will harm no one." Then choose your task and proceed. This is the time to make your intentions clear so that your mind will have a definite purpose for being in its current state, which helps to avoid distracting thoughts which may intrude if there is no clear goal for the meditation.

When you are done with your meditation, count slowly from one to ten, then from one to seven, "seeing" their colors as described above. Take a few normal breaths and open your eyes. WARNING - Some people find that snapping out of Alpha by simply opening your eyes can be slightly disorienting.
