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Science Fair

Science Fair Information
St. Denis - St. Columba School
March 22-23, 2004
Notebooks and Poster boards can still be ordered.

All criteria and information can be found below.
Science Fair: Dates - Reminders - and - Requirements
Topics Due January 29, 2004 - Can be changed up to February 17.
Fair Dates:
March 22, 2004 - Projects brought in and set up.
March 23, 2004 - Projects judged and later dismantled.
There must be a project NOT just a poster to show what you did for your experiment. All materials that are needed to explain and understand the project must be present.
Poster Requirements: (20 points of Science Fair grade)Quiz mark for Third quarter.
Must be Free Standing - No name should appear only your number assigned in the top right hand corner.
Notebook requirements:
Notebook Cover - Science Fair Number - where it says “Name” number given in class
Title of Science Fair Project - where it says “Grade” (same title should be on your poster)
First Page: Should say
Science Fair Notebook
Table of Contents: Identify this page as you begin the notebook but do not fill it in until you are finished writing your notebook. Each page in your notebook should be identified by a page number in the lower right hand corner of the page.
Problem : States the Problem in the form of a question. This may be the same as the project title. But does not have to be.
Hypothesis: States the hypothesis. Use an If .......then ....... statement. Grade 6 needs to also explain why they have made this prediction.
Research:You must use at least three sources of information for your research. In this section write one well developed paragraph about what you learned from each source. The source should be written within the paragraph. ( In Encarta ‘98 I discovered that.......)(Only one source can be from an encyclopedia whether it is computer generated or a reference book. The other two sources should be library books or other types of info.. Your textbook, or a dictionary can not be a source for the research, but if used should be listed in your bibliography. only one internet source should be used in the research. Be careful that any Internet source is legimate. It must has an author with some validity.
Procedure: Materials: All materials should be listed on one page. Be very specific as to your materials. State size and quantity. Must be in a vertical list.
  1. 4 - 30 ml cups
  2. 2 - 26 cm by 30 cm pieces of wood
Steps taken: Write all the steps that were taken to complete the experiment. By following the steps, someone else should be able to duplicate your project. Be very specific. Test the experiment again. For validity it should be done at least 3 times. A repeat in the test should be noted in the notebook. Steps must be in a numbered list.
Record and observe Data: Journal - Log: Keep track of what you do each day. ( work, test results, etc.) Entries must be dated and what you did on that date. Include only the dates you worked on the project. Every experiment should be tried several times to insure your accuracy. Therefore, be sure to indicate how many times it was tried and the test results each time. This section should not include charts or graphs. Observations while doing the experiment should also be dated and entered into the journal. Here the observations do not have to be in sentences short statements or phrases are okay.
Data:Organized Results - This section should have not only any graphs, diagrams, or charts that you want to include, but also anything that you observed while doing your project. Graphs and diagrams must be explained, labeled and described. It must be an experiment - something must be measured. Diagrams, graphs, or charts that are on your poster should also be in your notebook in this section. Colored pencils, or markers should be used on these. They may also be done on the computer. THERE MUST BE SOME KIND OF CHART AND GRAPH WITH YOUR ORGANIZED DATA.
Conclusion:In this section clearly state a summary of your project. What was proved? Evidence that it was proved or disproved. Any modifications that you had to make when testing your hypothesis. Include what you learned from this project and what you would do differently if you were to do this again. There should always be something that could be changed or completed differently. You should not say anywhere my hypothesis was right.
Bibliography:Place this after all other work in your notebook. Use the format given by the library and place your sources in alphabetical order by authors last name. All references used here not just those for your research.
ALL WORK IN YOUR NOTEBOOK SHOULD BE WRITTEN BY YOU IN SCRIPT. BLUE OR BLACK INK ONLY. Other reminders: Write only on the front of notebook pages. Begin each section on a new page no matter how short the section is. Page numbers should be on the bottom right hand corner of each page. If two notebooks are used continue numbering the second book where you finished with the first.
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