It's The Return of...


Many months ago, the greatest collection of wav files the internet has ever known, the original A-Team Sounds Page, mysteriously vanished from cyber-space (rumors that this was the work of The Z-Team are still unconfirmed).

Because you demanded it, we have been working tirelessly behind the scenes to resurrect this page, and once again make these sounds available to you. At last, the wait is over... the sounds page is back, with all the sounds you remember, plus a few new ones! Hopefully more wavs will be added as they become available.

We were surprised and humbled to discover, among these files, a sound clip of our late friend Ryan. We are very happy to be able to share this with you... though Ryan is sadly no longer with us, we hope that in some small way his memory can live on though this site, and especially though our memories of him.

Amy: "Speed it up, bitch!"

Russ: "Ohhh, we just got reamed!"

Russ: "We're live from Uncle Chuck's Pleasure Lanes."
Mark: "Well, when you hear it, it's not gonna be live! So it's not live, is it now?"
Russ: "Well, for anyone who's listening right now."
Joe: "No, this is live, quotations, 'pre-recorded'!"

Tom: "I really don't give a shit right now."

Joe: "Just don't mess with the A-Team!"

Joe: "What the what the what the blah blahahhh?"

Joe: "At least you go out in style."
Justin Radford: "Style is the way to go."
Russ: "That's the way I like to do it."
Mark: "Style... for me to poop on."

Jeff: "Piss off, you bloody wank!"

Ryan: "Um... my name is Nip."

Sean: "Now does this basically mean that, this thing I'm holding in my hand that's recording my voice, does this basically mean that we have to pick up the conversation, I mean have some in-depth, spiritual, philosophical debate now?"
Jeff Fose: "Shut up Sean."
Russ: "I don't know if it means all that."

Justin: "That's what we like to hear!"

Justin: "Oh, this is monumental!"

Justin: "All we need are some jean jackets and some REO Speedwagon shirts, and we'll be rollin'!"

Jimmy: "I could use a little head!"

Jessie: "He G-Shocked you!"

Jessie: "Oh my god, it's so f-ing cold out here!"

Mark: "Man. I'm gonna kill that lady in the front. Well, not really, I don't wanna get sued, I'm just gonna be so mad that chances are she's gonna get a punch in the head."

Mark: "Sweet mother of God!"

Mark: "Hey... 'scuse me... can you show me where the weight room is please?"

BONUS: An exclusive interview with Eddie, Part 1

BONUS: An exclusive interview with Eddie, Part 2

BONUS: Russ talks to A-Team Ladies Pam and Jessie

BONUS: The sounds of LaserQuest

RD & JR 2003