
The poets corner of the net, our darkened little niche, call it what you will, this is a page for all poets and fans of poetry. No special graphics, no neat little Movies, no cruddy MIDI files, no little tricks and braindeadening images to show you. Our content is all you need.

If you would like to be featured on Rants, E-mail me, and title it "Rants". I'll e-mail you back the information.

Updated 12/11/99 - Steph's gallery.
Updated 2/15/00 - Added pictures
Updated 2/16/00 - Added Feature, Tiera
Updated 2/17/00 - Steph's gallery
Updated 2/25/00 - Added links, Brian's gallery
Updated 5/22/00 - Added to Links section
Updated 6/6/00 - Made Links much easier to find stuff on, and put some more in there.

A Quote

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Make sure to check my links

Email: badchiken@aol.com