Hi there! This is my lovely little webpage. Feel free to wander around, follow the links, or whatever your little heart desires. There's a link to my email at the bottom of the page, if you feel the need to make a comment or suggestion. You can also sign the guestbook. To get rid of that pop-up box, minimize it to your taskbar. That way you don't have to look at it or deal with it for the rest of your stay here. All writing and html on this site is copyright me, 2000-2002, unless marked otherwise. Anyway, enjoy the work and I'll catch ya later.
Apologies for the lack of much new stuff, I've been a tad busy lately...

New Stuff - New updates, and a new page.
New - Jan 18 2002 (Yeah, I know, I know... I'm getting there! You try building a webpage and mothering an ACTIVE 9-month-old! There is more coming, hopefully including pics of my little angel. Just be patient. Or if you know me, call me already!)
Page last tinkered with: Whenever possible. Page is still undergoing major revisions, please be patient. I think I'm going to be changing every page, as time permits.

Links to other parts of this page

Me Here you'll find some stuff about me. Not a whole lot, but the high points. Hopefully the gallery of pics will make it up at some point....

My writing The work deemed good enough to make it up. Always expanding, as soon as I write or find something worth posting :-)

Updates My online journals. Also known as a soap opera.

Credits List of the places I got all these cool pics and backgrounds.

My opinions This page will have my opinions, moral stuff, beliefs, and some of my more explosive views. Be warned, I have been known to be offensive at times.

Other's writing A bit of The Bard, and some of my sister's awesome work.

Random Random things I really like. My quotes page and links page are here.

Roses A little about my experience growing roses. Some links to rose associations and growers, and hopefully some local info pried out of my green-thumbed relatives.

If you would like to email me, simply click the mailbox.