Obsessions > Latvia

Stuff from Latvia

I'm going to put stuff here from Latvia as I think to do it. I got these pictures back the other day (finally. I'd forgotten about them in my coat pocket and consequently not all of them came out.) I didn't have the first set of pictures I have developed. Those were the really nice ones. Maybe I'll scan them someday. These pictures have messed up colour and I look really frumpy, but here they are.

Me standing on the statue of... I forget who. Some guy whose statue I wasn't supposed to be standing on. And it was polished and sloped so I almost killed myself trying to stand up there, but by God, I did, even if Ari was making fun of me for not climbing higher.

Ari looking at the cat the train station on the way to the beach.

Ari in the woods at the beach.

Ari and me at the beach.


"I love Ari" in the sand at the beach. No, it wasn't Ari being egotistical. I wrote that.

Ari at the beach.

Oh, look who's a big boy now! Here's Ari on the same statue, but after getting done ragging on me for not climbing higher, he says, "This is slippery!" and decides not to climb even up to where I was. *grin*