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Sites To Help You Build
Your Webpage

Thanks everyone for stopping by....but I had to do this.
I've gotten so many requests to help others and can't seem to find
the time to do it one on one. Here are some of my favourites site
that helped me get through this webpage I
know you all are smart and can do it too, so hit it ya all.
BYE. Good luck!

HTML Classes
Medic 76's Main Tutor Page
Linkable Graphics
E-Z Codes
Momp's Tips & Codes Page
Javascript Learning Center
Twinkies Real Audio
HTML Goodies
Owens4 Tools

Creating A Sidebar
Nifty Text
Steve's Thumbnail Tutorial
Real Audio At It's Best
Weather Banners
Bordering And Aligning Gifs
Image Magic Resize Help

How Do They Do That With HTML??
Free Banner Maker
Placing Text On A Picture Or Image
Color Chart
GifCruncher...Reduce The Size Of
Your Images

Free Text Maker
How To Make Personalized Backgrounds
HTML Basics
Creating HTML -- A Simple Guide
Roxy's One Hour Page
Script Library
Creating A Two-Sided Bordered Background
HTML Forms

Code To Add Music To Your Page
embed src="url of song goes here" volume="200" autostart="true" autoreplay="true" loop="3" height="70" width="250" controls="Image Window" type="audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin" loop="infinite"

Before embed add < and after infinite" add >

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